Mangetsu: the real mom

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Mangetsu opened his eyes to realize that the camp was empty, except for Appa, Momo, and Hawky. The bird landed on his knee and squawked at him.


More squawking followed that, with Momo's face appearing as he looked down into Mangetsu's eyes. Momo then chittered indignantly while Hawky flapped his wings angrily.

"Dude, what am I? Your mom? Tell Appa he's in charge!"

There was a growl from Appa, who put his paws over his eyes.

"Um, no, this is your problem. I'm on my break."

Another growl and then excessive squawking. A hiss and swipe from Momo earned an irritated sigh from the blonde.

"And that's the line."

He grabbed the lemur from his head and carried him to one end of the camp, then picked up Hawky and carried him to the other.

"You're on time out. Sit there and think about what you've done."

Pathetic chittering came from Momo's side of the camp.

"Nice try. Sad eyes don't work on me. I'm dead inside."

Appa made a strange noise.

"I don't need your sympathy; it was a joke!"

Hawky squawked.

"Thank you, but buttering me up, will not get you out of time out."

A disappointed sound came from both lemur and bird.

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