Of Fire and Mist

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Mangetsu sat on the prow, having mostly kept to himself while everyone reunited with each other and chatted before setting off towards the battle.

The mood had become rapidly serious, and it was all Mangetsu could do to keep his breathing steady. He didn't remember how he'd ended up injured and in the Gaang's care, but as they crept closer to this battle, screams echoed in his ears and fire and lightning exploded behind his eyelids, the glint of blades and water writhing like dragons...

"You're going back into your head again," Mangetsu flinched, looking up into Hakoda's kind blue eyes.

"It's a prison we're all trapped in," Mangetsu shrugged, turning his attention back ahead.

Hakoda opened his mouth to speak again when Bato called out.

"There they are," he was staring through a telescope, revealing the statue of Fire Lord Azulon, surrounded by fog. "The Great Gates of Azulon."

"I don't see any gates," Katara frowned.

Mangetsu stood up as a breeze tousled his hair.

"We need to avoid notice," he said firmly, getting into a stance immediately as a mist began to swirl around his ankles and spread across the deck of the boat.

"Mangetsu has the right idea," Hakoda said, his commander voice taking over. "Katara, you and the swampbenders help him out and whip up a fog cover."

"We'll sneak by them statues just like we sneaked by that fire navy blockade," Tho grinned.

The group all took up stances, moving in unison with Mangetsu as fog began to billow around them, rapidly covering the boats. Nets slowly began to rise out of the water, connected to the statue of Azulon by the sleeves.

"Keep it up; we're almost through," Hakoda said calmly.

Suddenly, the sound of an alarm cut through the thick silence, startling the others. Smoke began to emit from the snouts of dragon statues on either end of the bay. As the alarm silenced, a fire spread across the net, and everyone stared at this with awe and shock.

"Damn," Mogui whistled lowly. "That's one way to defend a bay."

"No kidding," Muteki agreed.

"Everyone below deck!" Hakoda ordered.

Mangetsu hesitated for only a moment, the fire reflecting in his eyes as he turned away to disappear below the deck.

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