The Mighty Lava Commander Commands you to pay attention

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I looked around to find the other guys gone. Like, Sokka, Mangetsu, Mogui, and Toph had all just disappeared. Katara and Hakoda limped over to my post as I ordered another volley from my tanks and archers. I even had a guy in every other tank just laying down cover fire in the form of tiny pebbles getting slung like a Gatling cannon.

"I'm taking over the surface invasion from Sokka," Hakoda had to almost shout over the din of battle.

"Where are the others?" I boomed back.

"They are assaulting the underground bunkers," Katara added. "The Firelord isn't where we expected him to be."

"I see," I sighed.

"But we can still win," Hakoda continued. "We just have to take the outer defences and capture the citadel."

"I'll order a creeping artillery barrage, and our men can push up just behind where the rocks are falling," I suggested.

"That sounds good, son," Hakoda agreed.

So we did just that. Artillery hammered the nearest group of Fire Nation Soldiers, and our infantry advanced, even before the dust settled, to finish off any survivors. It was a bloody battle through the lower village, but our losses were kept at a minimum. We were even able to barrage a set of battlements on the mountainside into oblivion before our infantry came within reach. The enemy never stood a chance.

"The eclipse is only minutes away," Bato shouted from the back of one of our tanks. "We should be able to make it up to the hill by the time it starts and secure the entire palace by the time it's finished!"

As the infantry started up the hill, Karara and her dad reached the bottom.

"We can rest here for a bit," Katara suggested.

"I'd rather move up with the men," Hakoda replied. "Anyways, Muteki can't be expected to command all of the invasion force by himself."

I don't think they thought I heard, but I did.

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