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Katara had kept mostly to herself while everyone was sitting as far from each other as possible, with Aang and Sokka looking between Toph and Katara - who were on the opposite ends of the camp, and Muteki and Jin pointedly ignoring each other. Still, Mogui seemed to be in the middle of a nap, not too far from Sokka and Aang.

Some discussion went through the two boys, ending with them sticking a note into Hawky's dispatch tube and watching it fly over to Katara, who read the message then jumped to her feet and pointed at them.

"I know this is from you, Sokka!" she yelled. "Toph can't write. Ugh, you're all driving me crazy!"

She stormed off, and Jin looked up at them. "Before you try anything else, I will remind you that Mogui, Muteki, and myself, also can't read. Like Toph."

"Hmm, you make a good point," Sokka said, rubbing his chin. "Sorry, Hawky. Looks like I'm gonna have to do this without your help."

He made his way over to Toph, and the two of them went off outside the camp.

Muteki glanced back at Jin, who was staring up absently at the sky, her expression concerned.

"Swallow your pride and go talk to her," Mogui muttered, still pretending to be asleep.

"Um, what?" Muteki frowned at the blonde firebender.

His only response was a comedic snort-snore.

"Dude," the small giant poked the tallboy. "I know you're awake."

"I know she said some nasty things," Mogui mumbled. "But so did you. That's how it goes in an argument. And I'm not blind."

"But you are illiterate," Muteki poked again.

"Not in the ways of love," Mogui pointed out quietly.

Muteki flubbered and flustered, saying some silly stuff and making excuses. Much like any Anime character who just had their big secret revealed. Mogui actually opened his eyes so that he could roll them at the small giant.

"You like her," Mogui pointed out. "So do what it takes to make it right."

"And why would I do that?" Muteki asked.

"I once had a huge fight with a girl I liked," he answered. "We both said some nasty things and hurt each other. That resentment ruined what could have been one of the best friendships I ever had."

Muteki rolled his eyes, sighed, then got up to talk to the red-haired firebender. Mogui closed his eyes again.

He was barely two feet from her when her eyes snapped onto him.

"I'm sorry," she blurted.

Muteki stood there, blinking with his mouth slightly hanging open.

"Mangetsu and I talked before the rest of you got back, and he was right," she sighed. "I said some awful things, and I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry."

Muteki scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward.

"And I heard what Mogui said," Jin continued quietly. "I don't want to ruin what we have."

"Uh... apology accepted?" he eventually managed. "Also, sorry for the things I said."

She nodded and turned her face towards the direction they'd all last seen Mangetsu leave in. Muteki even dared to place his hand over hers. She squeezed his back.

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