Smol bean ignored

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The gaang crowded around the little, old watertribe lady's table. Aang and Mogui both glared at the Ocean Kumquats.

"I don't trust them," Mogui growled.

"I'd steer clear of the 'sea prunes'," Aang whispered to Toph

"I thought they were ocean kumquats," she asked back.

"Close enough," the boy groaned.

Muteki was wolfing down anything and everything placed before him. He wasn't even stopping to taste the food. Jin sat next to him, her hand on his arm. She acted much more civilly.

"Who wants five-flavour soup?" Hamma asked. The kids raised their hands while the older ones said, "Yes, Please!"

"Where's Mangetsu?" Mogui asked.

"I'm here," the boy suddenly appeared behind him.

Mogui jumped. His butt came off his chair.

"Dude!" he slapped the boy's leg. "Don't do that!"

Mangetsu slapped him back, then took the seat on his right.

"You're a waterbender too?!" Katara gasped.

Attention went back to Hama, who had soupbent the deliciousness into the bowls.

"I said that!" Mangetsu was exasperated. "LIKE TWICE!"

"But you're so good at being invisible," Mogui started. "That people can't even see when you're talking."

"That doesn't even make sense," the little boy groaned, throwing his head back in his seat.

"Of course, it makes sense," Mogui shrugged. "Nobody pays any attention to you, so you're as good as invisible."

"You mean InAudible."

"Potayto, Potahto."

"No One says Potahto."

"Exactly," Mogui grinned. "They are the same, except one is wrong. It's like saying Tomayto (American accent), Tomahto (British accent), only accepting that what I say is wrong."

While the two polar boys were bickering over accents, Hama finished her story.

"I can't tell you what it means to meet you," Katara smiled sweetly at the old lady. "It's an honour; you're a hero."

"I never thought I'd meet another Southern Waterbender," Hama smiled back. "Let alone two of you. I'd like to teach you both what I know, so you can carry on the Southern Tradition when I'm gone."

"You know I'm not from the southern Water-Tribe, Right?" Mangetsu asked.

"Of course!" Katara cried excitedly, Mangetsu's comment once again completely ignored.

To his immense displeasure.

"To learn about my heritage would mean everything to me," Katara said with a dreamy sigh.

Hama smiled at her, even as Mangetsu facepalmed and grudgingly looked over at her.

"Yeah, sure, why not," he muttered.

Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn BookWhere stories live. Discover now