Sexy Swords and missing Hawks

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Appa descended towards the new camp location, Katara never stopping in her work as she moved her hands lightly over Mangetsu's bruised neck. Once the bison had landed, they carefully moved him down into the new campsite.

Sokka, Muteki, and Mogui set up camp while Katara continued to try to revive the unconscious waterbender. Jin, Toph, and Aang watched closely, hoping for a sign to see that Mangetsu would be alright.

Eventually, Katara leaned back and ran a hand through her hair tiredly.

"Well?" Jin asked softly.

"I've done what I can," she answered. "Until he wakes up, though, I have no idea what else might've happened."

"You made sure to check for head injuries, right?" Jin rubbed her eyes tiredly. "It looked like he hit his head pretty hard when TEF threw him."

"Tef?" Toph questioned.

"Three-eyed freak," Jin clarified.


"I did what I could for that too," Katara yawned tiredly. "But we should have shifts keeping an eye on him in case he wakes up or something changes in his condition."

"I've got the first watch," Muteki said, plopping down next to the blonde's bedroll. "You lot need your sleep."

"We all do," Jin said gently.

"Yeah, well, I can't sleep," Muteki shrugged.

Jin gave him a worried look that flickered to Mangetsu's face.

"You know what's really unfair?" Jin eventually said as the mood in the camp became oppressive. "Mangetsu looks ridiculously cute when he's sleeping."

"I thought he looked ridiculously cute all the time," Katara slapped her hands over her mouth in surprise as Toph pointed at her and laughed.

"I have to agree with Katara," Muteki laughed.

"Well, I'm exhausted," Sokka yawned, stretching as he stroked Hawky's head affectionately. "Hawky, how about you, buddy? Yeah, you're such a lazy little bird."

Katara moved towards her own bedroll when Toph grabbed her sleeve. "Katara, I need your help."

"What is it, Toph?" she whispered back.

"I need you to write some things down for me," she answered softly. "I want to send a letter to my parents."

"I'd be happy to help," Katara smiled.

Mogui came over to where Muteki was sitting, still holding the blade.


"Katara did her best," he answered the unspoken question. "Now, we wait."

"What was he thinking," Mogui gripped the hilt tightly. "That guy was easily two feet taller than him, and he..."

"He didn't back down," Muteki shrugged. "He realized when he arrived, he needed to move, but I get the impression that Sparks being that much taller than him threw him off his game."

Mogui sighed, his grip loosening on the blade. He knelt and returned it to its scabbard, which now lay next to him.

"It was stupid."

"Maybe," Muteki sighed. "But it really didn't look like he had any choice. Bad timing had him show up right where that freak was."

Mogui sighed again, this time heavier, then looked back at Mangetsu's sword.

"You know... that is a sexy sword," he commented. "And I must have it."

Mangetsu's fingers twitched towards the sword, his face scrunching up as if he had just tasted something awful.

"Water," he croaked, his eyes opening slightly.

"Dude," Muteki jumped, leaning over the boy. "Hey, are you alright? Are you in any kind of pain anywhere? Do you know who you are?"

"Water," Mangetsu croaked again. 

His eyes were unfocused, even with Muteki directly above him.

"Got some, little dude," Mogui brought a small waterskin and held it to Mangetsu's lips carefully.

However, as soon as he realized there was water, he shoved Mogui aside and guzzled the water down until he started choking. Muteki gave him a few hard thwacks on the back, and when Mangetsu had calmed down, the older boys watched as Mangetsu passed out again.

"I think he heard you were talking about his sword," Muteki commented.

"I think you're right," Mogui agreed. "Weird kid."

"Hey, where's Hawky?" Sokka called.

Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora