I've been walking in the wasteland...

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We trudged as we had never trudged before. No sign of Mangetsu, Mogui being left behind; I just plain didn't like it. Jin squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

"I'm sure they're both okay," she said. Her voice was more convincing than her face, though.

"Of course they are," I agreed. "They have each other, right?"

"I think that's what I'm most worried about," Jin sighed. "They only have each other."

"This is humiliating," Katara grumbled.

"Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation?" Sokka sokkasmed. "Or having to leave everyone behind, or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?"

"Yes," the girl grumbled.

"Sorry guys," Aang sounded sorry. "But Appa gets tired carrying all these people."

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are," Wheelchair kid sighed.

"They're probably on their way to prison," said the kid with facial hair. Haru, I think his name was... "Seems like my dad just got out; now he's going back in."

"I miss Pipsqueak," the youngest almost sobbed.

"I miss not having blisters on my feet," Sokka complained. "Ow!"

"Be more considerate," Jin warned him with another punch to the shoulder.

Then suddenly, a cliff. The ground just dropped away into a seemingly never-ending crevasse.

"Hey," Toph called out. "We're here. I can feel it."

"Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked," Katara joked.

"No," Aang confirmed. "She's right; we are here."

I closed my eyes and reached out with my mind into the earth and... Nothing. I was getting nothing and... OH! There is something!

"Wow," Toph sighed. "It's amazing."

"You can say that again," I awed as my mind explored the underside of the cliff.

Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn BookWhere stories live. Discover now