Funny words and counting sheep

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"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"No," Muteki growled for the hundredth time.

"Are we there yet now?" I moaned

"Yes!" Sokka snapped.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really, really," Jin replied.

Appa touched down in the middle of a huge field. Koala-sheep dotted all over the paddock, and Mangetsu quickly left for meditation. He had been broody all flight, and I could tell he was dying to escape.

"This is it," Sokka exclaimed. "The official rendezvous point for the invasion force."

"You know," I started. "I've always wanted to join the forces. Though I've always felt that I might get caught out on some inquisition or other for disobeying orders."

"I think you mean court-martialled," Muteki slapped me on the back

"Inquisition is such a funny word."

"You are a refreshing breeze, my tiny friend," Muteki grinned.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked.
"Before we split up," Sokka explained, "My dad and I found this island on a map. It's
uninhabited, and the harbour surrounded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place."

"I do like secret meetings..." I mused.
"Nice choice Sokka," Katara complimented her brother. "And we're here four days ahead of schedule."
"Wait," Aang sounded surprised. "Four days! The invasion is in four days!"
"Whatever," Sokka yawned. "That's like... four days from now. Let's just calm down, and..." He was snoring before the sentence was done.
"Sokka's got the right idea, Aang," Katara agreed, lying down herself. "We're here; we're ready... the best thing we can do now is, get plenty of rest."
"Good night, guys," Jin curled up, pulling Muteki's arm across her like a blanket.

"I guess I'd better get some shut-eye too," I laid my head on a Koala-Sheep. It was absolute quality. I drifted off like nothing... then it was morning.

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