Frostbite and the swamp folk

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From my position by the subs, I could see our tanks advancing through the enemies ranks like a hot knife through butter. And it looked like Muteki was doing to the soldiers what he had done to Mogui in so many training sessions. He would knock their feet out from under them, sometimes with bending, sometimes by being the huge battering ram he was. Then he would open a pit in the ground, swallowing the soldier whole, and cover it over with a single tube open for air to get in.

"Uh, Jin," Duke called. "We gots us some tanks coming."

Sure enough, two Fire Nation tanks had flanked our main force and were hoping to cut off our only retreat.

"Huu," I called to the swamp monster. "You take the one on the left; we'll get the one on the right."

I fingered the hilt of the sword at my waist, then took a fighting stance. No point using it till I have to, right? The eclipse isn't for another two minutes at least.

Swampy McSwampFace began hammering down on the roof of one of the tanks. Meanwhile, Tho and Due ran up towards the other tank, bringing the water up and into all of its moving parts. I let loose a blast of cold, solidifying the water and stopping the tank in its tracks. I then let another blast lose at the body of the tank. Something sounded like it burst, spilling oil out the bottom of the beast. Some cussing followed, then the top of the tank popped open. A pair of heads popped out. Then the two scrambled over each other to escape, one saying something about a crazy freak woman. I took exception to that and gave him frostbite on his rear end.

I looked back up the beachhead to see Muteki helping a tank to crush a small fortification. Mogui was casting more lightning than Thor when he got Stormbreaker. Looked a bit like him, too, swinging his war pick at another poor unfortunate soul. He even went for the head. I had to turn away from that. He's crazy. Absolutely insane. I saw a figure disappear into the mist that suddenly kicked up around a group of soldiers, disappearing deep into the city.

"What is that kid doing?" I muttered, hoping Mangetsu wasn't going to get himself killed.

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