Muteki Believes none of that

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A/N: GOMEN NASAI! So, shenanigans happened, and we had a couple of chapters in the wings, but we forgot to post them. FORGIVE ME~!

"Zuko made him attack me!" Katara cried again as Soka tucked the end of her bandage. "I want them both gone, Now!"

"Mangetsu may do many things," Jin commented as she washed the salve bowl. "But attacking a friend is not something that's in his personality."

"Unless it's Mogui," I shrugged.

"Zuko made him do it!" Katara insisted.

"The munchkin is far too stubborn to let anyone else control his actions," Jin put up her hands, then left.

"I think you should give them both some space for a little while," I suggested.


"Katara," Sokka laid a hand on Katara's shoulder. "Please?"

"Fine," the girl humphed.

I nodded and saw myself out, leaving Mrs Crocodile-Tears with her brother. I may have used my seismic senses to find Mangetsu, but he could never prove it. The young boy had secluded himself away in a little nook in the side of one of the temples. I didn't try to hide the fact that I was approaching, and when I did get to him, I sat half around the corner and put my back on the wall. I almost blocked him in just by sitting there.

"I am here," I said quietly. "And so are you."

Now, I'm not huge on philosophy or anything, so I don't know why I said it like that, but I did. His reply was leaning his head on my shoulder. Well, the back of my shoulder... It was nice. I don't know how long we sat there in silence, but it was a long while before either of us moved.

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