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The sound of fighting soon reached the girls, who all leapt to their feet.

"What are we gonna do?" Katara wondered anxiously.

"I don't know!" Toph cried. "I wish we had some earth or water. We need bendables!"

"What about your meteor bracelet?" Katara questioned. "You could make a saw."

"I left it back at camp. I was worried they would take-"

A groan followed by a loud thump, and Jin appeared in front of their cell.

"You guys ready to bust outta this joint?" Jin said, a flame dancing on her palm.

"How'd you get out?" Katara questioned as the flames made short work of the wooden bars.

"I oscillated the temperature of my flames, causing rapid expansion and contraction of the particles within the cell door," Jin answered.

"What?" Toph frowned.

"I made my fire really hot and cold, really fast, making the metal brittle enough to kick down," Jin clarified.

"Oh," the two said.

"Come on; we gotta get to the guys," Jin called.

Accidental Avatar 3.5: The Burn BookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora