Chapter 16: Fox Pizza

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Waking up to the sound of Tails being wagged.The Sun,slowly creeping out.The Emotional Pain,no trace of it.

"Wives~! Time to wake up !" you say,slowly shaking the Foxes out of sleep

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"Wives~! Time to wake up !" you say,slowly shaking the Foxes out of sleep.
"Fi-Five more minutes Husband-kun~ My Tails are still *Fox Sound* resting." Akagi says.
"Kaga~ you want...Breakfast ?" you ask Kaga.

She rapidly Jumps upon hearing your Words.
With her hands on her Lap,Tails wagging and tilting her Head in a curious matter.Is simply cute !

"Nee-san~! Husband-sama will make breakfast,want it to get cold." Kaga asks her Sister.

As Akagi slowly wakes up,she stands up having a very similar pose to her Sister,cute as always,both of them.

Akagi stretches her arms,together with her tails.Letting out cute Fox Noises.
"Na~ Shikika-sama,what are you making for us today ?" Akagi asks,wagging her tails,tilting her head.

"Hm..let's see,you *points at Kaga* wanted Pancakes.Then,you *points at Akagi* Eggs with Bacon,am i right ?" you ask them.
They seem amazed you remember that.

"Shikika-san,how do you remember that.We told you when you where asleep..." Kaga says,confused.
"Well...i wasn't asleep." you say with a smile.

"Waah~ Husband-san ! You are embarassing us !" Akagi says,gently and playfully hitting your back.
"It's alright Nee-sama,it's our Husband after all." Kaga says,smiling brightly tails wagging.

You give them both headpats and move downstairs,preparing everything,so that it is done by the time the Foxes come down.

Laying everything on the table,ready to be served.You gaze up,to see two Fluffy Foxes walking the stares,watching as the last bits of Snow Melt away.
"Say....Husband-kun,you didn't forget our project for the Summer,did you ?" Akagi asks,with Kaga listening closely.
"Of course not,how could i.Now sit down and eat,please." you say,pointing at the seats.

"Thank you for the Meal Husband !" they say,before they start eating.
"Thank you for keeping me Happy,this is the least i can do." you say,taking a sip of your Coffee.

The Foxes stop eating..looking at each other with worried looks on they'r Faces.
"Hus-Husband...we don't want you to do anything for us." Akagi says,dropping her ears.
"Except keep us happy and fed~!" Kaga adds.

"Blast it ! Forgot your Coffee *puts Coffee on the Table*.There you go" you say,serving them Coffee.
"What do you mean by that Akagi..." you say,worried.

"You've already suffered enough yesterday because of us....because you wanted to make us happy.By getting a job..." Akagi adds.
"Well,how else will i keep buying food and stuff~?" you ask playfully.
"But Shikikan ! You can't give your Health zero regards just because of us ! We will not allow it !" Akagi says dominantly.

"I apologize for yesterday,i really am sorry.But in this World you have to get a Job and work,be it from Home or Workplace.Plus,it's a pretty easy job.Very little to no stress involved." you explain your Job to the Foxes.

"Wakatta Husband-kun ! Please take care of us like you did before !" They both say together.
They enjoy they'r breakfast,as always and savior the Coffee.

The Day goes on with the Three of you making plans for the Summer

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The Day goes on with the Three of you making plans for the Summer.Of course,with you at the Middle and the Foxes on the Sides,as they points at what they find interesting on the Gardening Online Shop.

"Ne Ne Shikika-kun..what is this ?" Akagi asks,pointing on the Laptop Screen.
"That is a Generator Akagi,it produces electricity at the cost of fuel." you tell her.
"I see.Thank you Husband-chan !" Akagi says,smilingly patting your Head,like a Good Boy that you are.

"Woah~ Shikika-san,what is this ?" Kaga asks,pointing on the Laptop Screen. 
"That is a Solar Panel Kaga,it transforms the Sun's Rays into electricity." you tell her.
"Ah,that's quite cool.Thanks Husband-kun." Kaga adds,patting your Head with a smile on her Face,telling you that you're a Good Boy as well.

Soon,the Sun sets and you've prepared a little bit of the Summer Plan,that you three made.
"Shikikan,we learned something new Today.Can we make if for you today~ ?" Kaga asks,wagging her tails and tilting her Head curiously.
"We will not dis--" Akagi tries to say,but you put a finger to her and Kaga's lips.

"I never want to hear any of you say that you will,try not to disappoint me.Understood ?"you ask them dominantly.
"Yes Husband-sama~" They say together,seemingly gotten excited.

At the end of they'r tedious work,lies a perfectly round Pizza,pampered to perfection.The same,if not more,amount of pampering they give you each day.

You take the first bite of the Pizza and savior it tender and crispy edges to the fullest,so are they.

"You two are glad i married you two...i can't cook more then the simplest items." you say,giggling.
"Leave the Dinner cooking to us sometimes then." Kaga proposes.

"We will take care of Dinner sometimes,when you are tired." Akagi adds.
"Alright then,so be it.Thank you Wives." you tell them.
"You are very welcome Husband-chan~!" they say together.

After drinking an evening Tea in the upstairs living Room,you start to feel sleepy.Not only you,but also the Foxes.

With the empty Cups on the table beside the very comfy Couch,you smoothly drift into a fluffy and comfy sleep,filled with love and care.Pampered from all ends by your beautiful Foxyfus.

With Stomach's satisfied and thirst extinguished,the three of you will soon,

Fall asleep in each others Arms.

Fall asleep in each others Arms

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