Chapter 2: The Future is near

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You finish the dinner and proceed to wash the dished.
"Shikika,what you doing ?" Akagi asks playfully.
"Oh,i am just doing the dishes.You two can do something fun,while i work--" you get jumped by Akagi as you were about to finish your sentence.

"Shikikaaa,why would Akagi let you do all the work yourself,let me help ?" Akagi says,wrapping you in her tail,you feel as if you just died and now rest on a cloud.
"Dear Sis,are you pampering Shikikan again ?" Kaga says walking in.
"Sister,no...i was just giving the commander a massage with my...tails" Akagi says.

"I found something under Shikikan's's  very..interesting" Kaga says while holding a magazine.
"I can explain girls,that's for...uhm... scientific purposes" you say holding your hands up.
"Shikika-sama,what is this magazine about,are you really interested in such lewd stuff ?" Akagi asks as she grabs the magazine from Kaga and starts reading through it.

As Akagi,reads through the magazine her tails start wagging around,as if she is interested in the more or less lewd contents it holds.Kaga on the other hand is visibly angered by it.
"I thought you were interested in our personalities and...not our...physical attributes." Kaga adds.
"Shikika-sama,i understand you want to try out some of this stuff with us,yes ?" Akagi replies in a very playfull tone,tails wagging around ears sharp.
"I guess he is a pervert after all and a dirty one at that...i kind of-like-it-" Kaga says,looking away,you can see a hint of blushing.

"Wait Girls,i love you for who you are,i don't love a woman for her body i love her for who she is!" you say in a desperate attempt to explain yourself.

Before you even realize what you said,Akagi pushes you on to the counter,put her head on your chest.
"Shikika-sama,you have a very fast heart beat...does Akagi,make you scared ?" Akagi says,pulling away from your chest,ears half droped and the tails....completely down.

"No Akagi,i am not afraid of you nor Kaga...i am just...." you say looking donw,not sure if you should continue.
"if it happens be it..." you say,collecting your strength.

"Girls,i-i-i am afraid of loosing you two,i try to hide it but it always finds it way to the top.I can't bear the thought of loosing people again.Or worse...being left." you tremble to say,holding back tears of past memories.

"Shikika-sama,we won't leave know why ?" Akagi says with a weird creepy smile on her face.
"Why won't we leave him dear sister ?" Kaga asks curiously.

Akagi looks to Kaga visibly angered.They whisper between eachother and then look to you.
"Shikika,you know why we won't leave you ?" Kaga asks,blushing.
"Sister,should we give him what he wants ?" Akagi adds.
Kaga nods in response.

They both grab one of your arms and drag you towards your bed,pushing you to sit on it.They both sit on each side of you,wrapping they'r tails around you.Ears sharp,eyes locked on you.

You start to feel your eyes close,body as light as a feather but the most important feeling you that you are not alone anymore.
"Shikika,we know that you will care for us,so will we for you" Akagi's words sooth the burns of your past...are completely healed.
Akagi and Kaga put they'r heads on your chest and stroke you stomach playfully.

"You are in shape Shiki-kan.We like that" Kaga says,tails waggling around.
"We wouldn't mind some exercise" Akagi adds.
"We can exercise indoors,but i know how much you love the outside." you reply.
"Girls,i have an announcement to make.." you say.

The Foxes jump up tails and ears sharp.Looking curious,they look simply to cute not to cuddle with them.
"Shikika,what is it ?" Kaga asks.
"Well..since a few years now...i dreamed of owning a house." you say.
"But i wasn't sure if i can stay there alone but now i have you two." you add.

"Shikika-sama,you really want to that for us ?" Akagi says.
"I know it might be surprising for you,but i want to spend more time with you two." you add.
"But that will take more planning and time,meaning we will move there eventually." you continue.

You look outside the window,the sun is setting.
"Girls,want a cup of Tea and watch the sun set ?" you asks the two foxes.
They both nod in agreement.

Making the three cups of Tea you day dream about how it would be to live with these two in a house.Without realizing you put to much sugar in one cup.
"Damn it,guess that's mine then.." you say smiling.
"Shikika-sama,the sun is beautiful...come join us." you hear Akagi say standing on the balcony with Kaga beside here.
You hand the girls they'r cup of Tea,all of you sit down on a bench and watch the sun set.

Having eaten dinner and now enjoying a cup of Tea with you'r most loved being in the world,you couldn't be more happy.
"Shikikan,how will we sleep,you'r bed is to small to fir all of us on it." Kaga says worried.
"I thought you two sleep on my bed and i sleep on a inflatable mattress on the ground." you respond,trying to calm Kaga down.

"Shikikaaa,you don't want to sleep with Akagi by your side ?" Akagi with pleading eyes.
"I want to,believe me.But we just don't fit on my bed..or maybe we actually fit i put the inflatable mattress beside the mattress from the bed." you think out loud.
Akagi's tails start waggling happily around,as if a wish just came true for her.

"Shikika,you're a clever one,aren't you ?" Kaga adds,waggling her tails around.
"Want to go inside Girls ? We can chit chat,play cards and even have another cup of Tea" you say
The Girls without responding just pull you inside the House.

You put the two mattresses together forming a surface fit for all three of you.With that done you lay in the middle,the girls jump on the mattresses,behaving like little kids.
"What will you do to us--now that you have us two in a bed,Shi-ki-ka ?" Akagi says breaking the silence.
"Sister,don't him that choice,what are you thinking ?" Kaga adds to her Sister's idea.

You play Cards,talk about the near future in a new environment and drink one more cup of Tea.After some more chatter you all fall asleep,the comfiness is of the highest quality unmatched by any object in this world.The future with two beautiful and fluffy Foxes awaits you...

**NOTICE** : I apologize for the delay,the planned release of this story will be one chapter each friday.Sadly with the world being in such a state,i face situation where i have to act fast.I hope you can understand my situation.I will always write or try to write in my free time between classes and throughout the day.Have a wonderful day/night,please don't forget if you like my story to leave a comment or a vote. **NOTICE**

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