chapter 32 Just a visit to you

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When they arrived at the Slavic Manor, Belarus also had just arrived shortly after them. Philip quickly went to Bela and hugged her tightly. "How are you feeling Bela??? Why are you so reckless???" Philip nagged. The taller werewolf which is Belarus only smiled and laughed slightly as she sweats with anxiety.

"Haha..... Well.... You know me, I hate being controlled!" Bela said. "What did you do?" Phil asks, interrogating the reckless belarussian. "I umm..... Well.... Heard some news hehe...." Bela replies. Bela is extremely confused, she has mixed feelings about everyone. She can't concentrate on anything. She doesn't know what to do. Whether to continue her reasearch, continue trying to get rid of Zuela or....... Celebrate....

Russia came to them, surprisingly separated from Zuela. America and Russia both glare into each other's soul. "Well I'm glad that, that b*tch isn't with you" Bela blurts out. "Likewise" Russia replies to his sister. "that b*tch gives me headaches" Bela adds as everyone nods in agreement.

"So, have they already told you?" Russia ask, grabbing Ame's and Phil's attention. Bela seems to be hesitant to speak. Before Philip could hold Bela's hand to comfort her, "yes.... Yes they have...." Bela says. "Told you what?" Philip asks. They all glance at Philip before Bela tells tells them. "They told me.... That I'm not an Omega, the test results taken years ago were wrong...." Philip's eyes widened. "Then what are you? It's impossible for a Country to be a beta!" Philip exclaims.

Bela Pats Philip on the head. "don't worry I'm not, I'm actually an Alpha and it makes sense...." Bela reassures him. "Huh? Then... Why do you look sad? Don't you want to be a female Alpha?" Philip asks. "Yes, Yes I do....." She replies. "Well I know that the nations will move to to the Alpha building and I won't be allowed to go and have classes with you and the others.... That's why I have mixed emotions about this.... I don't know wether to be more happy or not...." She says. Philip frowns upon hearing this, she's right.... Now that she's an alpha, she has to move buildings eventually.

Bela then brings Philip closer to her then hugs him. "Don't worry Philip, I'll visit you all the time" she says. America and Russia both feel jealousy because of her actions. Bela feels the glares and she sees that Phil is blushing. She lets go of Philip because she might change her mind. 'no... I must not.... Get side tracked.....' she says. America's phone then rang. They all turned their gazes to him. America picked up his phone. "Hello?" "Yes it's me" America then sighed I'm displeasure. "I have things to take care of, one of my companies had their vice President commit suicide, c'mon now Philip, I'll take you home or just go home by yourself, I feel nice so I'll drop you off today" America says as he grabs Philip's wrist, forcefully. Russia and bela stopped the American by pulling the omega away from him.

"Hey hey Hey! He doesn't need to go with you right? And what he going to do alone anyway? You're just going to lock him up in the house!??!! If so, let him stay with me to bond tonight jeez!" Bela tells the American. America grits his teeth in anger. "Grr-" ame was about to snap back at her but his phone rung again. "Whatever!" He says as he drives away.

"Yay! Now we can hang out!" Bela says. Russia doesn't look happy. "Does he.... Does he do that often?" He asks. "What do you mean kuya ruski?" Philip asks. "I mean..... Does he often leave you by yourself? He shouldn't do that if he's your alpha, he should take care of you, I mean look at Germany, he's been taking care of Poland! That pig shouldn't treat you like that!" Russia blurts out. 'blyat' Russia shuts his mouth as he realizes that it's wrong for him to speak like that.... He's just a friend.... A friend.... He shouldn't have these outbursts. It's as if he's Phil's alpha if he speaks like this.

Philip and Russia look at each other's eyes. There's just something.... There's something.... A feel of relief? Joy? When they look at each other intensely. Bela just had a great idea. Ukraine is out with Canada, Kazakhstan is also out somewhere and Zuela is probably out shopping. "Heeeyyyy I'm HUNGRY!!!" Bela exclaims. Russia groans as she just ruined their time together. Russia hits bela on the back of her head. He learned this from Philip as Phil calls it batok. "Then starve" Russia blurts out. "Jeez your so cold! Philip! Russia is beating a meanie! Hump! Phil can you cook with Russia to feed me please~~ I'm soooo hungry!!!!" Bela gives him the puppy eyes, her ears are also down, pouting sadly.

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