chapter 16

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Russia replies

"Okay I'll go get the matress"
Phil says before quickly going upstairs.

Russia followed Philip Because Phil is small and it's better if he will carry the matress and not Philip.

and Russia was right, Phil is having trouble getting the matress. Russia tried his best to not laugh and keep his cold face and help Phil with the Matress.

Philip is kind off annoyed, he's a good observer and he's embarrassed Because Russia's eyes looks like they are saying 'you are too weak, let me help you, this is too funny, you are too small that you couldn't even get it'

Phil pours and glares at Russia making Russia confused while holding the matress. Before Russia could ask, Phil hmmphs and leaves.

Russia then understood so he chuckled a bit before fixing his composure and following Phil to the Bedroom.

-A few minutes later-

Phil is tired and he keeps yawning, Russia can't sleep because the lights are open and he can't sleep.

Phil asked Russia for him to not turn the lights off and Russia agreed but later, When Phil is asleep Russia will turn the lights off.

Even if the lights are off, Russia still can't sleep easily. It usually takes him and hour or two to sleep.

A few minutes later and Phil is sound Asleep, Russia turned the lights off but he still can't sleep.

He's been awake for 30 minutes now and he's still wide awake, not even a bit sleepy.

Russia isn't too uncomfortable, but he just really can't sleep. It's part of his nightly routine, and Sometimes he doesn't sleep at all.

A few more minutes pass and he still isn't sleepy. Then Phil suddenly rolls off the bed, almost knocking off Russia's sunglasses.

Russia was surprised, he didn't expect for Phil to roll of the bed. But thankfully Russia is here today so Phil didn't hit his head into he floor.


Russ is kind off concerned for Phil, no one is here to put Phil back into he bed and Save him from falling.

Russia sighed and he is about to stand up to put Phil back of the bed, but he can't move.... Phil is clinging onto him to tightly that he can't move.

Russia doesn't know what to do. He can't escape from Phil hugging him. He isn't too TOO much uncomfortable with Phil hugging him but....

He doesn't like the fact that he can't move, so he just stayed there and let Phil sleep.

After about 2 minutes he's feeling sleepy, he doesn't know why but..... He feels happy? Satisfied?

He feels fine being in that position. Is it because Phil is hugging him? Or just because someone is hugging him.

Russia gets irritated by Bela or Ukraine hugging him for just 10 seconds well.... He gets more irritated by Bela....

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