chapter 28

434 27 16

Sorry I rushed the last part 😅.

Russia snaps out and realized that he is making a fool out of himself. He blinks in confusion and let's go.

"Finally, ****hole!"

Ame says and carries Phil as he takes him away.

"Phil are you okay?"

Ame asks and glares back at the Russian.

"Y,-yes I'm fine..."

Phil says, still a bit shaken Because he is terrified of falling and no one to catch him..... That if his worst nightmare.

If he were to go out he doesn't want to go out by falling because he will feel all alone.... Because no one will catch him...

The 3 nations quickly comes not only because of the commotion but also because they feel like they need to Phil.

"hey Wait, what happened????"

The three nations calls out to ame and Philip.

Ame stops walking and goes to leave with the nations in another direction.

EU stops and looks back, he lightens up the dark mood a bit "hey Bela, Nekomi you guys coming?"

The two girls both look at each other and quickly nod and go with them.

Russia fixes his composure then glares at Zuela and tigers whom are looking at him.

They get scared and Look the other way. Zuela is dumbfounded, she's in a scandal.

She does the puppy eyes saying 'forgive me Ruski' ' I didn't mean it!'

But russia just scoffed and left, Zuela was about to cling to Russia but he glared at her. Therefore Zuela stopped her b ness and left running offended to her friends.

The way to the office was really awkward.

Ame looked so stuff and unapproachable

He looks so pissed and scary.

Everyone is feeling awkward and intimidated by him so they are all quiet.

Phil wants to walk Because he's not really wounded and hurt. But ame disagrees and he just shut up and went along with it.

Even UN is intimidated.

Finally after walking for work minutes, they finally arrived at the office.

Still, ame doesn't want to let Phil go but he had to because there are 4 chairs awaiting.

Phil finally got down and he's happy.

It's not that he she's getting carried by ame, he just feels like a baby.

The nations positioned themselves by UN sitting on the chair and Asean and EU just standing beside him.

"Now, what is it that was needed to be solved?" UN asked making everyone confused as hecc.

(Completed) "My little omega" omegaverse CountryhumansWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt