chapter 17 excuse me what?

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"hey Phil thanks"
Bela says

"Thanks for what?"
Phil asks confused

"Thanks for being Russia's friend"
Bela replies

Phil is confused, he doesn't know how to reply from this situation.... Meanwhile Russia isn't liking this talk.

"Thank you for being his only friend-"
Russia cuts Bela off

"Urod blyat!"
Russia knows that Bela is going to burn him and Bela is smirking under Russia's palm, yeah..... Russia's f-

"Only friend that he acknowledges Because his men are just his pups, they got threatened to be his pups, even when he looked so n-"

Russia again cuts Bela off, Bela is about to show Phil, Russia's baby photos (him being his old self aka flag or skin, face?)

'bela don't you dare!' Russia glares with his eyes.

Bela doesn't give in, she wants Phil to see, To see Russia's glorious baby pictures!

'I'll teach you how to cook delicious Russian meals for your maple addict!'
Russia mouths and immediately, Ukraine goes and takes Bela's phone and bag.

Phil just stayed quiet not wanting to get involved in their fight. The Russians are strong, capable of murdering you, flexible and can Run fast af (they are like the fastest countryhumans)

The Russian Siblings all opened their mouths, they are about to fight and shout at each other but suddenly someone knocks on the front door.

It's Philip's house so he went and opened the front door, to their surprise it's America holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi Phil, Good morning"
Same says with a smile and waves at Phil, Phil swears he saw a small light blush creeping on Ame's face.

Phil shrugged it off and opened his mouth "Good morning Ame.... What brings you here?" Phil says confused at what America could be here for with a bouquet of flowers.

"Y-you look great today Phil, I mean you l-look great everyday!"

'Is Ame stuttering?' Phil says to himself now more Confused, and Ames blush is a little darker now.

"Why are you here Ame?"
Phil repeats his question.

"W-well like I said! I want to chase you Phil, and I'm serious this time, I got you these" Ame says with a sincere smile

Phil wants to not fall for it but.... Same does look sincere.....

Same gives Phil the bouquet and Phil smiles, he almost blushes.


They hear Bela clear her throat so they both turn to look at the angry omega.

Same starts to sweat a bit, it's like meeting your girlfriend's sister that doesn't want you in their family for the first time.

Russia and Ukriane are also glaring at Ame, not liking his presence.

Was all and can say but their glaring just got more intense.

(Completed) "My little omega" omegaverse CountryhumansWhere stories live. Discover now