chapter 26 why won't you look at me

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Phil wakes up in Ame's bed to find him gone. Phil stretches then smells the blueberry muffins from downstairs so he just smiles and guesses that Ame's cooking. He stands up and goes to take a bath.

Another day of School, Another Drama?

It's been officially Announced that Zuela and Russia are engaged. Phil and Ame are only lovers for now, because Phil doesn't want to be tied down for now.

But he would most likely say Yes when the day comes.

After Phil took his bath, Ame is still cooking downstairs.

Phil goes to the closet and he finds his clothes, he moved in with Ame since they are lovers.

Phil is embarrassed and just chuckles, his clothes are so small compared to America. Honestly some of Phil's clothes are for Females but it fits him.

Phil sits on the bed and wears his shoes after he wore his pants. Sometimes they have to wear uniforms therefore Phil is wearing a male uniform right Now.

The only difference is that, Phil has a ribbon like the girls as a tie. While the alphas and make betas wear ties.

Phil is okay with it Though.

As Phil is fixing his ribbon he sees his phone with a note stapled on it. It says 'goodmorning babe~ love you ^^ I'm making blubbery muffins and also I got hamburgers from burger Zing for breakfast'

Phil just Chuckles. Same is really addicted to fast food.

"Burger addict"
Phil laughs, He's gonna tease ame again because Phil loves his reactions.

Phil has a very very high metabolism and no one can explain why..... But they say the past male omegas also had a high metabolism. The nations just said that it's to retain a good figure making the female omegas envious, it doesn't make sense.

Phil then takes his phone and he stops in the middle of his tracks......

Suddenly he feels it again....

Like something is missing?

It has been bothering him all night.

He them remembers that he texted Russia yesterday and he doesn't know why.... But he suddenly got a bit hyped to see his response.

But there were no texts....

He didn't reply....

Phil feels so sad..... He feels disappointed even if he shouldn't be.

"I guess it's fair..... It's just right..."
Phil says to himself.

He sighs and slaps himself a bit but won't hurt, just to wake him up and snap him back to his senses.

"Smile! You can do this! Another day!"

Phil stands up quickly and says something to motivate him and Make him smile. Then he goes downstairs to Ame- I mean Runs to Ame, Because this house is so big.


Phil can't sleep, his eyes are wide awake. He's not sleepy. He just can't sleep, His mind wouldn't rest.

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