Meet the Omegas

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Phil is a little older now. He has his two best friends Malay who is a female Omega and Indo who is a male alpha.

They are such good friends. They call themselves "The rice gang". Phil felt happy.

He felt accepted. Malay does Admire Phil's Looks and his specialness but she loves Phil as a friend because of his kindness and personality.

Indo also loves Phil as a friend because of his personality.

And not because Phil is the most beautiful omega.

Phil lives his best friends and how they protect him form the other alphas.

Ofcourse Indo is also an alpha so he can protect Phil from the others by growling and showing his dominance.

But Indo can't win against ame, Spain y know the ones whose more superior

And Phil Loves to watch Malay chase the alphas and betas away by chasing them with a frying pan.

Phil helps Indo treat Indo's wounds when he gets into a fight with the other alphas.

And that's one of the reasons why Indo also is in love with Phil.

But one day in an attempt to kidnap Phil his pack was attacked by the Spanish.

And in the process killed Phil's Brothers and His Parents.

So many died because of the attack but before they could take Phil while was protected by his brothers and he go away.

With Malay and Indo they ran and hid in the forest.

Which they next looked for The Three Nations for Help.

Asean and the others arrived and stopped Spanish Empire but they are too late to save the others.

Some of the children who were Betas, Omegas, and Alphas were killed and the others were saved.

They were now orphans.

But Asean Adopted them and decided that Spanish Empire could NEVER adopt Phil.

So Phil, Malay, And Indo got adopted by Asean they lived a nice Life with other adopted siblings.

Altho it'd dint change the fact that Phil's family were dead Phil was sad for some time but he needed to be strong.

Because he's the one who always smiles and cheers everyone up.

If he doesn't become cheery then no one will so he put his Genuine smile on.

And Cheered everyone up

But everyday Phil still feels emptiness
Because of his Family gone..........

Now Phil is going to meet the Omegas again. Well after the death of some....

He's really nervous what if they don't like him.

But he Shrugged the thought off and put on a smile and Walked in.

Everyone were In awe of Philip and thought he was a girl but remembered that he's a male omega.

The Omegas then Rushed to Philip and started touching his skin and Telling him he's so pretty and asking him questions.

Malay then stepped in to try and help Philip bit she got squished and left in the dust.

Phil is getting squished and having a mental panic.

Not everyone were in awe.......... Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru and Columbia weren't happy with Philip.

Because they were the ones getting a the attention before Phil came........

(Have to have some Complications 😅 I mean no offenses.....)

They dispised Phil and we're jealous of his Beauty.

But ofcourse to try and be more Attractive they kept they smiling and nice act.

They approached Phil and befriend him. They acted Polite and nice but in truth they were jealous of Phil.

Phil Befriended everyone

Meet the omegas

Mrs. France (their teacher)

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