Nightmare maniac

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Ok so yeah..... Bec. I kinda need time... I'll just make some of the chapters in my books you guys pick.

Ok so where was I?

Oh right.....

Russia POV

It's dark.... where am I?. *Light turns on but only on him like a flashlight* what the hecc is this? Is this a somewhat sick joke?. This isn't funny. *Another light turns on to a girl* who is that?. I come closer a bit and the girl turns to me. What the hecc? She has no eyes?. She is smiling at me.

Her eyes slowly build up and so I got weirded out and I back off a bit. She points in my direction. Is she pointing at me? Wait is this.... Is this slovenia?. She looks like a psychopath. This isn't funny. What kind of dream is this?. I look behind me and a green figure runs in my direction like they are going to kill me. Then another figure which is red is also running to my direction.

It's like the red figure is getting chased by the green Figure. Then a white figure showed up and it seems to be also chasing the red figure. I examine the red figure and it looks very small and has eyebrows and are in a worried expression. I look at the green and white figure again then to the red figure. Once I looked at the red figure the walls became mirrors and they reflect me looking at the red figure with my eyes glowing.

Then so many female omegas appear and are running towards me. I'm getting surrounded and I get frustrated Because I don't know what to do. I'm getting Stressed and then the mirror cracked before I scream in frustration. They all stop running and just stood there with a wicked smile. All the female omegas stopped running towards me and with a shattering scream the mirrors completely cracked and they all start running towards me again but faster. And now all the omegas I see my eyes glow at them. Who is my mate?. Why is my eyes glowing at every direction?. What is this happening?. My eyes stop glowing when I spot the green figure one meter away from me. And the figure runs up to me and hits me then I wake up.

"RUSSIA WAKE UP!!!!" "GET YOUR BUTT UP" "WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" My eyes adjust and I see Belarus Screaming at me from the top of her lungs. "IM UP! IM UP!" I shout while panting and sweating.
"What's up with you? Why are you panting? You are sweating like a pig, pfft aww Did you have a nightmare?" She says and I glare at her and I stand up.
"We are going to play with the others remember?" Bela says and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah yeah whatever" I say not caring.

"You'll be partnered with Phil" she says and I freeze. "What?" I say like an idiot.
"Oh and by the Way how did you meet?" "AND WHY DID YOU SNEAK OUT WITHOUT TELLING ME!" "And do you know why Phil has some Bandages" she keeps rambling and rambling. Question after another question. "Shut up, one it's not your business and I m older than you, two I can do what I want and that stupid Gathering is a waste of time, three we both met in his garden in the Forrest and a tree fell down and almost hit him, but because of the impact he got Bruises that's all I know ok" I say. Why does she keep asking me questions?. I'm the oldest one here and she's the youngest one. Who cares! I'm me and I can do whatever the hecc I want. I knew Coming back living with her will be dreadful. With our other siblings are ok but her!. SHES ANNOYING!. she became more annoying when she found out that I was gay.

She looks like she's taking notes and is taking this seriously which I think is dumb and stupid. After a while we finally arrived at the place. I haven't went bowling In quite a while now but I still have it. I ain't loosing to that German.

Bela POV

Like I expected Russia is being an a hole and is just there sitting there until we start. He didn't even greet Germany and the others he just nodded like OUR FATHER!. geez he really gets on my nerves. Kazakhstan is with Mongolia and is just over there talking. Ukriane and Canada are there, a couple. Like Germany and Poland they are ENGAGED!
ehehhehe me and Latvia our going to win we'll beat Indo and Malay heheh.

(Completed) "My little omega" omegaverse CountryhumansUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum