chapter 37 stop this nonsense

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Just imagine that they are speaking Russian

"what the blyat are you doing bela?"

"What the hell are you doing with those things?!"

"Bel what are you? Are you trying to become a witch?"

"Bela what the hell?"


Bela yelled at them to shut up and which they did.

"Bela what exactly are you planning? Don't tell me you want to be a witch now?"

Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia are all forced to watch Bela do whatever she is doing.

"I need you guys to help me!"

Bela says. All of them are dumbfounded.

"Are you out of your mind?!!! We aren't playing with those petty things! It's the modern era! What are you going to do? Your obsession with this old folk tale is too far! What ritual are you going to do?"

Ukriane tells her that this is a bad idea.

"There's no magic anymore Bela! And look at your hair, your tail and your ears, you've been cooped up in your little 'research area' you haven't been taking care of yourself!"

Kazakhstan blurts out.

Russia is too full of Bela's bullsh*t. He doesn't even care at this point. But he is also curious to why she wants them to help her with restoring magic?

The three siblings continue to go at each other like raging lions fighting over dominance.

Russia just wants some peace and quiet. Russia takes another sip of his vodka then he slams it on the table and shouts

"Shut the f*ck up, you all are acting like little b*tch*s! G*dd*mn what are you three? Shut the f*ck up! Bela just stop this nonsense! There's no more magic! You can't break this curse that had been working for several generations, why do you even want to do this? This is all bullsh*t! You're fucking 900+ years old! You're not a kid anymore, none of you are kids anymore, there's no more magic, it's the new era, stop obsessing over this story for no reason! Do you really think that all this research will amount to anything??? If that curse that causes some people to have the wrong soulmate is true, how do you plan to destroy it? Think with you brain! There's nothing you can do! What are you even planning? To save the love of others? Hah! Don't make me laugh Belarus, I know that you never do anything that won't benefit you, you're my sister, it's only natural for you to be cold and not give a damn about others, so stop obsessing over this, so what if you magically destroy the curse? So what? What if she is really my soulmate? I will never love her and you know that, I don't know why you're doing this but you should stop it Bela, it's useless, it won't benefit anyone"

Russia blurts out everything he'd been wanting to say. They all stayed silent since they all know that Russia is truly angry and he's not in a good mood. Yes they talk back even if they are angry but Russia is angry angry.... Russia is very angry and he will get violent.

It's true, why won't Bela stop this? What will she get out of this?

Since Bela remembered what happened and that she had remembered the truth... The question wether who should know d
First, if she should tell Russia or Phil the truth first. Because of Russia's current mood, she knows it's probably best to tell Phil first. No one knows the truth yet, except for her. She hasn't told anyone. But.... She won't let this pass..... Things are nearing.... She also hadn't heard the news from Russia that Phil texted America that Phil wanted to break up.

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