✖️Date Night✖️

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Chapter 21: Date Night


The Boy that Hears Things That Aren't There

I had noticed, that since Jesse's death and Zach's coma, Sydney had been working tirelessly to make sure that Julia and Jake didn't hurt themselves. She was so sweet to them and by two weeks, she was exhausted. So, being the amazing boyfriend I am, I decided to surprise her.

After taking my medicine, I drove to her and Julia's house, using my license I had gotten two days earlier. (a/n: woah jamie, you got your license before my older brother good job) I saw lights on downstairs, so I hurried to the door and knocked three times. I heard the door creaked open and there she stood.

My angel.

My beautiful, darling little angel.

She wore yoga pants that highlighted her beautiful legs. She wore an oversized sweater that made her look like a cuddly little kitten. (a/n: like michael clifford) Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Jamie!" She beamed while hugging me. "What're you doing here?"

"I came to visit my favorite girl," he smiled and pecked my lips. "And I think we should go out for a little."

She looked behind her and silently shit the door so we were standing on the front porch together. She cupped my cheek in her hand and smiled at me as I felt myself blush.

"You know I'd love too, but I can't leave Julia alone, not now," she told me.

"Kitten, you've been so good, but you're obviously exhausted, you need a break," I told her, kissing her cheek softly. "We can take her to my house, and my mom'll watch her."

"I don't know," she said nervously. "Do you think Julia'll be okay with it."

I pulled her close to me, with my hands resting on her lower back. Her chest was against my chest, and I could feel her deep breath coming in and out of her lungs.

"I'm sure she will be," I whispered. "Please, just ask her."

Sydney went back inside and came out a second later with a smile on her face.

"She's coming," Sydney smiled. "So, should I change?"

"No, just put on some shoes," I told her. "You look perfect."

She smiled and went inside, taking me with her. I saw Julia putting a sweatshirt over her tank top and throwing on some uggs. She smiled weakly at me, and I returned the smile. Sydney put on a pair of tattered up converse before we headed out to my car. We dropped off Julia at my house, and then we were finally alone. Sydney hooked up her phone to my car and began playing her music. I loved her music. She always had the weirdest taste, and she knew of so many bands. A pop-punk melody played in my car.

"Who's this?" I asked her.

"Tonight Alive," she replied. "It's their song 'Breaking and Entering'."

Sydney hummed along quietly, and I drove us to our destination. I smiled as Sydney's eyes lit up at the sight of the lake in front of us. She really was adorable.

I parked a bit from the spot I had planned for us to have our little date. I got out and hurried around to get the door for her. She ran outside, dragging me with her. She kissed me lightly on the lips, and I was so damn happy.

"This is beautiful," she smiled, her arms wrapped around my neck. "I really needed to get out of that house, I love Julia, but I needed a break, thank you."

I didn't say anything, I decided to spell out my feelings.

Using my lips.

And I wrote them on her lips.

And that was all that was needed.

"Let me get the picnic basket," I smiled at her.

"Don't be too long," she wagged her fun her at me. I walked back to the car, and I could hear her singing All Time Low at the top of her lungs. She was so spontaneous and free, I loved it.



She laughed as we set down the blanket on the nice, pebbly beach next to the lake. We are together, and we told corny jokes the entire time. We ended up laying underneath the night sky in each other's arms.

"What would we do if a bear just came bounding out of the woods right now?" She asked me.

"I suppose we'd die," I shrugged.

"Oh look who's being optimistic," she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying, we'd probably end up dying, and I'd be pretty okay with it because I'd be with you," I shrugged.

I saw her blush when she sat up slightly to kiss my nose lightly before laying back down in my arms. I felt so comfy right there. We fit together like two puzzle pieces. She was all I ever needed.

Everything was perfect in the world.

And then the voices started.

She's only using you.

You're not good enough for her.

She could have any guy she wants, why would she want you?

Just slit your fucking wrists, you're not worthy of breathing, you worthless piece of shit.

The voices were so real that it almost felt like Sydney was saying it. I was snapped back to reality when I felt Sydney's cool palm lightly touch my face.

"Hey," her sweet voice cooed. "You're okay, I'm here."

"Sydney," I cried before collapsing in her arms.

And that's where I stayed until we both fell asleep.


a/n: i was gonna kill someone else in the chapter but I didn't count yourselves lucky

I hate this chapter so much ugh

and I started writing one of the last chapters of this in school today and I'm so excited for it bye

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