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Chapter 2: Pre-Calc


The Silent Girl

I groaned as I made my way to pre-calc. I hated math. I didn't exactly hate the subject, I more hated the people I had to share it with. I was really good at math, so I was placed a step up from the smart sophomores. In a result of that, I was put in a class with a bunch of average juniors and a dumb senior.

I got to class early, so I could read and have my choice of seats. I took the seat in the second to last row in the very middle. It's where I could see the best, so I sat there. If people had any problems with that, well, they could stick their complaints up their butts.

I pulled out my book Throne of Fire and got lost in the pages. I hardly noticed a overbearing junior named Jenny sit in front of me. I only noticed her when she snatched my book from my hands. This got my slightly pissed. I had one unspoken rule with these people, do not touch my books. My books were my babies, and mothers can get a bit overprotective.

"The Throne of Fire, really?" She asked in disgust. "What is with you and this sci-fi shit?"

"It's not bad," I muttered.

"What was that?" She demanded. The thing is, Jenny was so interested in making my life miserable that she didn't notice the senior behind her, about to make her life miserable. He was in the group of guys that made fun of people. He was always nice to me, though. Pre-calc was the only class we had together, and he always sat next to me. He asked me questions, and I gladly helped him, he was kind of bad at math.

The senior snatched my book from Jenny's perfectly groomed fingertips. Jenny turned in surprise, but smirked when she saw who it was. The senior continued to scowl at her.

"There's no need to be a bitch, Jenny," the senior scolded.

"Oh, hey, babe," she flirted, wrapping her arms around him. "Are we still on for tonight?"

"I don't remember asking out any animals," he cocked his head to the side and pushed her off of him.

"You could've just played along," she hissed, her foundation covered cheeks turning a bright shade of red.

"I don't play with dogs," he replied with a smirk. "I'm more of a cat person."

I let out a laugh, my first laugh at school in a while. Jenny scoffed and moved her seat near her malicious friends. The senior sat next to me and smiled. I smiled back as a drop dead gorgeous junior that was really into art sat on the other side of me. I searched my head for her name, it was Julia. We didn't talk much, but she always seemed really nice. I smiled slightly at her and turned back to my book. The next person to come into the room was the boy with schizophrenia. I would often hear him talking to himself, but I assumed that they were the audio hallucinations. Then, he would pop a pill, and he'd be fine. He scowled at the senior for some reason before sitting behind me.

The lesson started, and I began taking notes. I saw the fingers of a boy place something on my desk. I furrowed my brow at the folded up piece of paper and looked at the senior that had put it there. He nodded to it, and I opened it to find a note.

Sorry about Jenny, she can be a bitch. My name's Jake, in case you didn't know. I just assumed because I don't know your's

I waited until our pre-calc teacher turned back to the board and wrote back.

My name's Sydney. It's fine about Jenny, thanks for sticking up for me. You had some great comebacks. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to pay attention. I'd advise you to do the same. You always ask me so many questions, I think I know why now.

I handed him the note, and he chuckled while reading it. He smiled at me before turning back to his notes.


At the end of the lesson, while I was gathering my books, Jake came over to me.

"So, Sydney, is it?" He asked. I scowled at him once everyone had left.

"Listen, buttface, I know that you just talk to girl's for sex, so if you think you can get me..." I started.

"Woah, woah, woah, I'm gay," he admitted. His eyes got big. "But...that's the first time I've ever admitted it. Oh my God, I just told you I'm gay! You can't tell anyone, okay? Don't tell anyone!"

"Calm down, curly," I ordered, referring to his curly hair. "I won't tell anyone, don't worry. If you haven't noticed, I don't have anyone to tell."

"Well, you can remind me," I shrugged. "You seem like a cool person to be friends with."

"Are you sure your little jocky friends would approve?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't they?" He replied.

"Because the only girls they usually hang out with are sluts," I replied. "So unless you're trying to imply something, I don't think we'll get along." It was true, his group of friends didn't care what was in a girl's mind, they just cared what was on her chest.

"Well then you'll have to be the exception," he smiled.

"Since you told me something, I'll tell you something, I'm planning on committing suicide this Friday, so I won't be around for much longer anyway."

"Can I join you?" A timid voice from behind me asked.

I snapped my head to see Julia, her pixie style jet black hair hair covering most of her face. My eyes widened.

"Listen, okay, I forgot my pencil case, and if you two were talking about having sex, I didn't hear it," she said defensively. "I'm just tired of living, okay? I want to leave this hell and maybe onto a better life. I've been contemplating this for a while, and I think it would be better to do it with someone."

"Count me in," Jake said. I looked at him in disbelief. What did he have to loose? I mean, he was popular, rich, and yah, he was gay, but that was all.

"Why would you want to commit suicide?" I demanded.

"My parents are homophobic, and my friends are brats too," he admitted. "I just...I don't have the will to live anymore. It won't be my first time trying." He lifted up his wrist, showing a scar. "My freshman year, I tried. Junior year, I tried again." He held up his other wrist, another scar laid on it. "But this time, I'm not gonna mess up."

"Then I guess it's settled," I muttered. "Friday, the suicide club meets."


A/N: so that was chapter one.

I'm kinda sad that I made Jake gay bc I really ship him with Sydney after this chapter






btw: I really like it when you guys comment bc it makes me feel like you're actually reading the story

okay bye xxx

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