✖️I'm Sorry✖️

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WARNING: there may be trigger warning is this chapter for some
and if you are suicidal, please refer to the picture on the side and know that I love you ❤️


Chapter 10: I'm Sorry


The Silent Girl

Some days, you just have bad days, you know? Days that just don't end well. The truth is, all of my days were usually bad days. I noticed that I started having the occasional good day after the wretched Friday. We never rescheduled to kill ourselves. I just let it run its course. Perhaps it would be better if we waited a little longer or maybe we just didn't do it all

My days started getting worse the Monday after Jake's date. He came back to Julia's place, all giddy and excited. He wouldn't stop smiling. All he told us was, "Zach's just so amazing, and he makes me so happy, and I feel like myself with him, you know?"

I stayed at Julia's house all weekend and planned to talk to her about her anorexia. I wanted to run my speech by Jake and Jamie before I talked to her, though.

I walked into school on Monday and hurried to Jake's locker. He wasn't there, but I heard yelling in the hallway where he kissed me. I saw Jake surrounded by his so-called-friends.

"So, how's your lover boy?" Bradley asked him in a taunting voice.

"Shut up, Bradley, you don't get to talk about him like that," Jake snapped. "You're an asshole, you know that? A homophobic asshole."

What I saw next made me want to cry. Bradley punched him in the jaw so hard that he fell to the ground. I dropped my backpack and ran for my friend. I stood in front of him protectively.

"And look, it's his fake girlfriend!" Bradley exclaimed upon sight of me. "So tell me, Syd, are you bi or a lesbo?"

"Shut the hell up before I shove your balls up your ass," I snapped and kneeled beside Jake. He looked groggy, and he was grabbing his chin in pain.

"Are you okay, Jake?" I asked him gently. "Do you need me to take you to the nurse's office?"

"You like to take people to the nurse's office, don't you, Sydney?" Bradley taunted me. "Last time I saw you there, you were gettin' busy with that weird boy that talks to himself. You do realize that Jakey that won't be any help with satisfying your needs, right? He's just a gay little shit. Me on the other hand-"

He never finished that sentence. I turned around, elbowing him in the balls while doing so. He doubled over in pain, but I wasn't done yet. That was just for punching Jake. I then stood up, punching him in the gut.

That was for calling Jamie weird.

And then I kicked him in the knee.

And that's for calling Jake a 'gay little shit'.

"Screw you, asshole," I told him. "I hope you rot in-"

And I never finished that sentence. I was cut off by the head science teacher, Ms. Jacobsen.

"Sydney!" She snapped, "you're coming with me to the principal's office!"

"But he-" I argued.

"No buts," she snapped. "Come with me."

And then I was dragged to my certain doom.


"Please don't call my parents," I begged Principle Allen. I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I could only imagine the beating I'd get from my dad if he found out about this.

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