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Chapter 15: Words


The Last Person You'd Ever Expect

Something was different when Sydney came back to school. People weren't staring at her like she was from Mars anymore. Now it was more of stares of pity. She had gained quite the bruise on her jaw from Bradley's punch. While she had gained a bruise on her face, Bradley had gotten a bruise on his conscience.

Jamie and I kind of acted as Sydney's personal body guards. We stood on either side of her, and Julia stood in front. Julia had insisted that if she was going to forth wheel, she had to stand in the front, like we were her posse. Sydney was like the president. Well, she was the president, of the suicide club.

Of course, Sydney picked up on our protective mannerisms almost immediately and didn't like it.

"Guys, I can take care of myself," she told us. "I'm not five."

"We just want to keep Bradley away from you," I assured her, squeezing her shoulder. "He's an asshole that doesn't even deserve to breath the same air as you."

"Because I am queen!" Sydney yelled, causing all three of us to laugh and attracting more stares simultaneously.

"BOW DOWN PEASANTS!" Sydney retaliated to the stares. Everyone immediately adverted their eyes awkwardly, and the four of us broke out into laughter. Sydney never would've done that before. She had an 'I-don't-care-what-you-think-of-me' attitude, and it was quite a change. I was so glad that she wasn't being so self conscious.

We followed Sydney to her locker. We saw Bradley walked towards her. I stood protectively in front of Sydney, and I swear I heard Jamie growl as he took her hand. Julia narrowed her eyes at Bradley, and Sydney rolled her's. Bradley rolled his eyes right back.

"I'm just here to apologize," he huffed. "Sydney, I'm sorry for accidentally punching you. Do you forgive me?"

Sydney didn't say 'I forgive you' or 'it's fine', she laughed. She doubled over in laughter. We were all confused, Bradley included.

"Sydney, are you okay?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sydney assured her before turning her attention to Bradley. "You expect me to forgive you after everything you've done? You're an idiot, it's a good thing you're handsome. You see, I'm not dumb. I know that you're only apologizing so that you can seem like a hero and go back to your schedule of banging three chicks a week. Well guess what? You're not forgiven."

"Listen, if you're gonna be a bitch about it-" Bradley started.

"And there you go again!" Sydney fired off. She pushed everyone out of her way until she was standing a foot away from Bradley. "If you were really sorry, you would be being a hell of a lot nicer to me right now. You think that you can just say something mean to someone and get away with it. No, you can't. Words hit just as hard as actions. I guarantee that punch hurt a lot less than some things that you've told others. And you're not going to even try to apologize to Jamie? You punched him too, you know. Oh, and you've also hurt Jake. And God knows what you've said about Julia. So why don't you start with apologizing to everyone else for everything you've done before you come to me, sound good? I probably need the apology the least, all you did was hit me."

Sydney then walked away, her hips swaying. Bradley groaned in annoyance before walking in the other direction. I just smiled about Sydney. She had such a way with words when she was passionate enough, and maybe she was done hiding it.


a/n: this chapter was so bad byE

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