✖️Little Bird✖️

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Chapter 25: Little Bird


The Girl With the Weird Drawings

Jake and I pulled into the hospital, and we made our way to Zach's room. It was a little weird to see Zach just lying there with his eyes opened, but he looked beautiful nonetheless. I couldn't help but tear up a little bit. He was the first real friend I ever had, and I didn't come and see him until Jake took me. I was a terrible friend.

As soon as I saw him lying there, I ran over and grabbed his hand, holding it close to my heart. I felt the lump in my throat rising, but I didn't dare let it collapse. I had had enough crying for a lifetime.

"Zach...God, Zach," I whispered, cupping his cheek with my hand. "Please, please come to. I really need a best friend hug."


"Zach," I urged, squeezing his hand and tears trickling down my face. Screw not crying, I needed to get rid of my emotions somehow. "Please, it's me, your little bird."

(a/n: I changed some of the chapters so that Zach called Julia 'Little Bird', idk, I thought it was cute)


"Zach, please, we all need you," I whispered.

His lips began to move, as if he was trying to say something, but his vocal chords just weren't having it.

"Zach, what is it?" I asked.

"Little Bird," he gasped, as if he could hardly breath, "I've missed you so much."

"Oh my God," I gasped, tears rushing down my face. This time, happy tears. They were tears that were celebrating the triumph of the human spirit. I hugged him, and he nuzzled his head into my chest. That's as much as he could move.

"Zach, you're awake!" Jake cheered before running over and kissing him.

Zach's heart monitor sped up.

"Nurse, nurse!" I called as Jake helped Zach sit up.

Nurses and doctors came rushing in, but Jake and I didn't leave Zach's side. I planted a kiss on Zach's cheek, and he managed to smirk at me.

"You just got out of a coma, and yet, you're still cheeky," I rolled my eyes.

"Rolling you eyes in unbecoming," Zach teased me in a singsong voice that was quite raspy from not speaking for so long.

"Oh shush," I poked his cheek.

The doctors and nurses eventually left, leaving Jake and I alone with Zach. Jake's eyes filled with tears as he held Zach. It was weird, usually Zach was the one holding Jake.

"Where's Rachel?" Zach asked us. I had never formally met his sister, but I had heard the stories.

"She usually comes here around 5:20," Jake replied. "But I'll go call her now and tell her the good news."

"No, wait, can I see your phone?" Zach requested with a troublesome grin.

Jake handed his cell phone over to Zach who opened it and went into his contacts. He called his sister and put it on speaker phone so we could hear.

"Hey, Jake, what's up?" Rachel answered the phone.

"Hey, Rach, um, do you mind picking up some pizza or something? I'm quite famished, you know, being in a coma for quite a long time," Zach said.

"Zach?" Rachel's voice was full of disbelief. "Oh my God, it's really you! I'm coming to the hospital, I'll be there in fifteen. Oh my God, I love you."

Rachel hung up, and Zach looked satisfied with himself.

"Now that I'm awake, I want to do so many things, I want to run, I want to sing, I want to dance!" Zach exclaimed.

"Woah, woah, woah, easy tiger," I chuckled. "The doctor said not to do anything too extravagant just quite yet."

"Damn," he muttered.

We chatted for a couple more minutes until a girl with light brown hair and startling blue eyes burst through the door and almost attacked Zach in a hug.

"I've missed you so much, you asshole," she whispered, kissing his cheek.

That girl was introduced to us as Rachel, Zach's older sister. She was super sweet, charming, and funny. We got along great, and she was the female version of her brother.

We stayed in that hospital room for hours, just talking and laughing, and I was glad I got out of that damn house.

I had to fight like hell and fighting like hell is what made me who I am.

I was done with suffocating on my sadness.


a/n: I was going to kill zach but then I got legitimate heart pains when I wrote that and I couldn't take it so I kept him alive and wrote this happy chapter instead

your welcome

just sayin


*dies bc that song*

and that second to last line was inspired by that picture I saw on tumblr that's on the side.

thanks for reading!


(ps: get ready for some drama in the next couple of chapters)

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