✖️The Suicide Club✖️

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Chapter 34: The Suicide Club


The Suicide Club went to their leader's funeral together. It was a small gathering, one that wasn't worthy of Sydney. Sydney was an angel set on Earth, and she deserved a parade through the streets.

It wasn't a religious funeral, Sydney didn't believe. She wouldn't have wanted that.

It was a simple, outside funeral at the grave yard. She was going to be buried by her mother. It was only right. Maybe they would make up in the afterlife.

The time came for the three people most affected by Sydney to speak. Zach gave them each a supportive pat on the back as they walked up to the podium.

"Hello," Julia spoke first as she held back tears. "My name is Julia Ligman, and I was anorexic. No one noticed, except for one person. And we're celebrating that person's life today. I first spoke to Sydney one day after pre-calc, telling her that I wanted to kill myself. Little did I know that she would become my best friend. She helped me through the death of a good friend, and honestly, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. Sydney Carlson was my savior."

Jake spoke next.

"Hello, my name is Jake Demitrance, and I'm gay. I had tried to commit suicide a couple of times before, but I never got too far. I admired Sydney. She always seemed to glow in our pre-calc class. She was the smartest in the class, after all. But it was a different glow. The first time I ever talked to her was when a girl named Jenny stole her book, and I stood up for her. Sydney was the first person to find out I'm gay. When my parents kicked me out, I didn't know what to do. Sydney told me I could have her room, and she would sleep on the couch. I could trust her whenever I had no one else. She was always there. Sydney Carlson was my support."

Jamie stepped forward, he had tears streaming down his face, more than either of the two.

"Hi, my name is Jamie Regner, and I have schizophrenia. The first time I met Sydney, she helped me pick up my books that some guys knocked down. I had a crush on her from that day forward. She would always help me when I would get audio hallucinations. She was such a calming presence when I had my break downs. I've had a couple since she died, and they've been the hardest ones I've ever had. Our first kiss was in the nurse's office and that was the most I've ever felt alive. She saved me. She saved me from myself. Sydney Carlson was my angel."

"We're the Suicide Club," Julia said. "Sydney was our leader. We were essentially the breakfast club, only we all wanted to kill ourselves at the same period of time."

"The Suicide Club is not something you want to be apart of," Jake continued. "It's something you fight and fight to get out of, but you can't do it on your own. We all thought that we couldn't get out."

"We just needed the right soldiers beside us to help us fight our way out," Jamie finished. "Sydney was our general, and when an army looses their general, they don't give up. They keep fighting for the general. Sydney is our strength, and she is the reason that we managed to fight our way out."

The End


a/n: I'm actually crying

I had so much fun writing this story

And I'm sorry for any tears I caused you

There were many falling from my face too don't worry

and if you held with me until the end you get free pizza bc go you

I love you all so much

And please, stay flawless

Thanks for reading,




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