✖️The Attractive Coffee Guy✖️

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a/n: so this bby, Asher Books, is going to be playing the other bby, Zach.

and Asher Books and I are dating

but it's a secret

so secret that he doesn't even know about it

(got that from flower_crowns__ she's a really snazzy person)


Chapter 8: The Attractive Coffee Guy


The Last Person You'd Ever Expect

I sat there with the really hot guy. He was the first guy I ever openly admitted was hot. His skin was tan, but not too tan. I could honestly just get lost in his brown eyes. And all I wanted in that moment was to run my hand through his messy, dark quiff and kiss his rose colored lips, maybe feeling a little bit of his stubble at the same time.

"So, how do you know Julia?" Zach asked me.

"We go to school together," I answered.

"She's really nice, isn't she?" He said. I nodded. "So, are you guys a thing, or...?"

"No, I'm gay," I answered. It was surprising because I had just told a total stranger I was gay.

"So am I," he replied with a big smile, revealing his perfect teeth.

"I would say 'twinnies', but I'm not a twelve year old white girl," I joked. And he laughed. His laugh was perfect. It was music to my ears.

"I would hope not because I was going to ask you out to dinner this Friday," Zach said. And I screamed on the inside.

"That sounds great," I told him.

"I'll pick you up around six," he said. A customer came in and winked at me before serving the customer. It was a brunette that my friends would consider hot. Like me, she found Zach extremely attractive, so she bent over a little so he had a clear view of her cleavage. Zach looked at her boobs in disgust.

"Honey, I'm sorry, but I'm gay," he said in a stereotypical gay guy voice. I chuckled at the girl. She scoffed at me and took her drink from the other worker's hand.

I stayed at the coffee shop, just talking with Zach. I found out that he was twenty years old, two years older than me, and currently majoring in creative writing with a minor in music at the local university. He had two sisters, one older and one younger. His parents accepted him being gay, and he loved all of his family. He was adorable.

I only left because my mom texted me, telling me that she was worried about me, and she wanted me to come home. I said goodbye to Zach with butterflies still in my stomach.


a/n: this chapter was so short but so cute. the next one's gonna be a bit longer (and really cute but kinda sad)

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