✖️Kicked Out✖️

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Chapter 26: Kicked Out


The Last Person You'd Ever Expect

It was a Saturday, and Zach was at my house. My parents were out grocery shopping or something, and Zach and I might've been making out on my couch, we might not have been.

Okay, we were totally making out.

Zach's lips were attacking mine, and it felt amazing. Eventually, we both got worn out, and we laid next to each other, cuddling. Zach planted light kissing on my cheek, smiling after he finished each one.

"You're adorable, you know that right?" He asked.

"How could I not?" I asked, and we laughed.

I then heard a door open.

And the door was right next to the couch.

The couch that I was laying on shirtless with my boyfriend.

I gasped and quickly sat up to see my mom gasp and drop the groceries. My dad followed her, and his gaze darkened when he saw the scene.

"Jake Thomas Demitrance," my dad scolded. "What in God's name do you think you're doing?"

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Demitrance," Zach smiled.

"You two, get out of my house, Jake, you have fifteen minutes to pack your stuff," my dad barked.

"Dan, I don't think this is..." My mom started.

"But..." I started.

"Go!" he bellowed.

"Always a pleasure, Mr. Demitrance," Zach spat at him before following me upstairs.

I began throwing things recklessly into a duffel bag. Where was I going to go? I had no family in the area. I began to cry, and Zach wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm so sorry, baby," he told me. "This is all my fault."

"No it's not," I shook my head. "My parents are just assholes."

"Let's just go, you can get the rest of your stuff later, just grab the essentials," Zach told me.

I grabbed my computer, some clothes, and a couple of pictures and books. We walked downstairs, Zach with a protective grip on my waist.

"I will be returning to get the rest of my boyfriend's things," Zach spat at my parents, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend's'. "I don't want him ever returning to this hell ridden house again."

"What makes you think that you can talk to me like that?" My dad barked, his eyes darkening.

"And what makes you think that you can kick out your only son?" Zach spat back.

I then dragged him out of the house before my dad attacked him. My mom stood in the corner with sad eyes. I didn't even look at her.

As soon as I got to Zach's car, I began crying. Zach wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey, it's okay, you can stay with me," he told me.

"But we've only been dating for like two months," I replied.

"Then happy two month anniversary!" He cheered. "Now, c'mon, I know a great ice cream place we can go to celebrate."

"I don't want ice cream," I grumbled.

"Yah, well I want to go get ice cream with my incredibly hunky boyfriend," Zach argued. "And since I'm older, I win."

I rolled my eyes, but I was laughing. Zach was too sweet. He filled the car with jokes as we drove to the ice cream shop. He ordered me a mint chocolate chip in a cup, my favorite, and he ordered himself a chocolate in a cake cone, his favorite.

Zach then took me to his apartment. I had been there a couple times before, and the organization of it astounded me. Zach didn't really hit me as someone that would be organized, but he really nailed it. He told me 'there's a place for everything and everything has its place.'

"Do you want to invite Julia and them over?" Zach offered. "I think you should tell them what happened."

I nodded before taking out my phone. I had no service. That asshat I called a father cut off my phone line!

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked Zach. "My dad, the little iceberg lettuce he is, cut off my phone bill."

"Iceberg lettuce?" Zach chuckled while handing me his phone.

"The world's blandest green," I smiled while dialing Julia's number.

(a/n: credit to tumblr for that insult)


A couple of minutes later, Jamie, Julia, and Sydney were all at Zach's apartment. We sat on the couch as I explained everything. By the end of my story, they were all pissed.

"Listen, after we take out that piss-face, you can come stay with me and Julia," Sydney offered. "You can have my room, I'll take the couch."

I laughed before shaking my head.

"It's fine," I assured her. "Zach's letting me stay with him."

"What're you gonna do about school?" Jamie asked. He sounded actually concerned about me. I never really thought he liked me until that moment.

"I'll just keep going until they don't let me anymore, I guess," I shrugged.

"You do know we can probably sue your parents for child neglect, right?" Julia said. "My parents'll hire a lawyer, and we'll win the court case easily."

"No," I said sternly. "Sure I hate my dad, but my mom tried to stop him a little, I don't want to put her through that."

"Whatever you say," Julia said supportively.

"There's so much wood in here," Sydney commented. She turned to me. "You're not allowed to cook, you'll burn the place down. Zach, watch him like he's a child. I can't have my little Jake getting hurt."

"I will," Zach promised and kissed me on the cheek.

I smiled at their support. I might've just gotten kicked out, but damn, I had the best friends to help me get through it.


a/n: i hate the ending to this chapter

so i think this book is starting to end

it's coming to a close

i'm thinking maybe six more chapters

probably a bit more

but yeah

(ps: who likes the new cover?)

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