✖️The Note✖️

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Chapter 13: the Note


The Girl With the Weird Drawings

Jake and I went back to the school, and it was the middle of eighth period when we got there. We went over to Sydney's locker and opened it using the key numbers she gave us. Jake got the books as I read which ones she needed from my phone. He got out her binder when a piece of paper feel from it. It was folded up, and he handed it to me.

"It's for you," he told me. The paper had my name written on it in Sydney's handwriting. I looked at it quizzically before opening the letter and reading it.

Dear Julia,

Julia, I need you to know something.

You're beautiful.

You're honesty one of the most gorgeous girls I have ever seen. I...uh...I know you might get a bit mad by me saying this...but...uh...I know.

I know that you have anorexia. You shouldn't starve, you don't have too. For God's sake, you so skinny it's ridiculous. You're gonna hurt yourself so badly if this continues.

So please, please don't. You're too beautiful to hurt yourself.




I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, Sydney was so sweet. And maybe, just maybe, she was right.

All I knew was that when I got back to the hospital, I hugged her so tight, and she never knew why.


The next day, I was back in school. My teachers didn't give me any make up work because they pitied me, Jamie, and Jake, so I had nothing to do, come that first period study hall. I wondered down to the empty art room. Or at least I thought it was empty. I walked in to find someone standing by my painting.

Like an actual human being.

That wasn't a teacher or parent.

And he looked...normal.

He wore plain, black skinny jeans with holes at the knees. His torso was covered in a shirt that said 'Normal People Scare Me' and a red flannel. I knew the reference on his shirt. It was American Horror Story, aka, my one true love. His light brown hair was straight and hanging on his face. His beautiful, flawless face. His bright blue eyes had flecks of something in them. Was it...sadness? I couldn't tell from first glance. I made myself walk over. He looked up at me and smiled. His beautiful smile brought butterflies to fly around inside me.

"You know it's not done yet," I told him.

"Well, it's amazing," he told me, his voice alone making my knees weak. "I hope you'll give my compliments to the artist."

"Well you're speaking to her now," I smiled and offered him my hand, "I'm Julia, and you are?"

He looked at my hand and smiled before shaking it.

"My name's Jesse," he told me.

"Are you new?" I asked, grabbing some brushes and a paint pallet. As he answered me, I filled up my pallet.

"Yah," he replied, walking over to help me with the paint. "I came yesterday. I have a study hall right now, but I don't have anything to do, so I came down here to the only empty room I could find."

"Funny," I chuckled, pouring a bit of green onto the pallet. "I came here to escape people too, maybe we can escape them together. Sorry for not being able to be apart of your welcoming committee yesterday, I wasn't here."

I walked back to my painting as we talked.

"I think I would remember a girl like you," he told me with a wink, and I looked at my feet to hide my blush. (A/N: typical romance line sorry) "So, why did you miss my welcome-to-the-newest-version-of-hell-party? It was full of me resisting the urge to punch people."

"As fun as that sounds," I said, dipping my brush into a mint green, "I had to visit a friend in the hospital. I suppose you'll meet her when she gets out."

"What happened?"

I gulped, not exactly wanting to answer the question, but I suppose it would've been better for him to have heard the truth from me then a lie from some God-awful rumor.

"She's suicidal," I answered. "She had a meltdown yesterday in the nurse's office, and she slit her wrists with a letter opener. We found her in time, though. She's recovering in the hospital, and she's gonna see some therapists, and it should be okay."

"I know what you're going through," he sighed. "It happened with my sister, too. She was suffering from depression for the longest time, but my parents just thought it was typical teenage shit. So they ignored it, and we found her hanging from her ceiling fan one morning."

His gaze turned to mine, and I saw the tears brimming in his blue eyes. At first, I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I simply wrapped an arm around him and smiled lightly. He smiled back, but the tears were still brimming.

You see, our words fail us, a lot. We stutter, we mispronounce things, but if we just act, it usually ends up okay. I learned that a while ago. You can talk all you want, but you actually have to act upon your talk.


a/n: I'm alive don't worry

so I've had such bad writer's block so sorry if this cHaPtEr SuCkEd. *inserts inappropriate comment about ashton irwin*

okay so I'm sorry if I don't update in the next week, I have exams and such

and if you're taking exams like me in the next week or soon, good luck and just remember that your mental health is more important than any grade. :)

and neWS.

i'm working on a new story called 'trust' so yah

you now have something to get excited about

okay I'll go to bed now

guess what's messed up.

my sleep schedule.


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