✖️The Big Date✖️

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a/n: so that cutie (calum thomas hood, aka cal pal) is going to be playing jake

don't even talk to me if you have objections bc I love him

you can imagine him however you like but don't you hate on my bby


Chapter 9: The Big Date


The Last Person You'd Ever Imagine

It was Friday night, at long last. I had decided to tell Zach to pick me up at Julia's house so we wouldn't have to deal with my homophobic parents. We, being Sydney, Julia, Jamie, and I, were sitting in Julia's room. Sydney sat on Julia's bed with Jamie. She sat in between Jamie's legs with his arms around her. She leaned back on his chest, and they were absolutely adorable. Julia sat on the edge of her bed, and I was pacing around the room.

"Oh my God, I'm so nervous," I said nervously. "What if he doesn't like me? I really want him to like me."

"Oh, shut up!" Julia yelled. "He's been texting me non-stop about you. All this stuff like 'oh my God your friend is so hot' and 'what should I wear? I really want to impress him'. So just take a chill pill and chill the hell out!"

I needed those words. It immediately calmed me down. I looked at my outfit again, black skinnies, black vans, and an All Time Low t-shirt. I pulled a beanie over my head and put on a hoodie just as the doorbell rang.

"Oh my God, he's here!" Sydney sang, exploding out of Jamie's arms and down the steps of Julia's huge house.

I ran down after her, but not fast enough. When I got to the front door, she had already opened the door, revealing my incredibly attractive date in black skinnies and a black v-neck. Sydney decided to acknowledge his attractiveness by gasping, "hubba, hubba."

"Sorry, honey, I'm here for Jake," Zach smiled when he saw me.

"Oh yah," Sydney shook her head, "sorry, your hotness made me forget that A) you're twenty years old, B) gay and C) that I'm dating someone."

"Sydney, go before you embarrass yourself further," I told her, giving her a quick hug.

"Bye!" She called over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs, "use protection! Oh wait no, you're both guys...uh...don't have sex, you'll get AIDs and die!"

We laughed as Julia attacked Zach in a hug.

"Woah! Little Bird, you're still really skinny," Zach said as he hugged her back.

"Shut up," she told him. "You know I'm not skinny."

"Yah, you're a stick," he rolled his eyes.

"Have fun," she told us, ignoring his comment. "And get him home before ten o'clock!"

She gave us both a hug, and Jamie gave me a thumbs up. Zach offered me his arm which I took.

"So, are you excited for tonight?" He asked me.

"Extremely since you still haven't told me where we're going," I pouted.

"Aw, don't pout," he chuckled as we got into his car. He saw my shirt and smiled.

"All Time Low, eh?" He asked. I nodded.

"They're one of my favorite bands," I told him.

"Same!" He exclaimed. He plugged his phone into the USB port of his car and turned up the volume. I noticed that it was Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low. It was my favorite song. He immediately made his own rendition of the chorus as soon as it came on.

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