✖️The First Mission✖️

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WARNING: this chapter may contain trigger warnings for some


Chapter 4: the First Mission


The Last Person You'd Ever Expect

I pulled up to the place we planned to meet after school. I didn't want to commit suicide, I wanted to save three lives.

Sydney, Julia, hell, even Jamie, they couldn't just commit suicide. Sydney was the person that held the school together. Her presence was a calming one. Without it, the school would go to hell. Plus, I know that Jamie was only breathing because she was. If I saved her, then I saved Jamie.

Julia was the school's entire art program. Without her, the art program would be dropped, and there would be nothing for incoming artists. We needed her. And she made some pretty awesome signs for my soccer games.

I walked into the shed to be greeted by the scent of pizza and the sound of some band playing on the speakers. They were good, I'd have to ask what the name was later. Julia was dancing around and singing in a white dress that looked beautiful on her. She had a pretty amazing voice, too. Jamie was sitting in the corner, playing with his hands. I saw a couple of bottles of pills and four bottles of water. Sydney, well she was no where to be seen.

"Where's Sydney?" I asked, walking in.

"We thought that she was with you," Julia said, looking worried.

"She wouldn't miss this," Jamie exclaimed. "She planned all of it. We can't do this without her."

"Did she text either of you?" Julia asked us. "Because she didn't text me."

Jamie and I checked our cell phones, both to find nothing.

"C'mon," I ordered, exiting the shed. "Something's not right. We gotta find her."

Julia and Jamie shared a look of unease before grabbing the pizzas and pills, turning off the music, and following me.


We look up Sydney's address in the school's online directory. We drove there quickly to find a shabby, worn out house. We heard yelling and screaming, even from the outside. Julia wasted no time in ringing the doorbell. All the yelling and screaming suddenly stopped.

A woman opened the door. She had a pale face and Sydney's blonde hair. Her green eyes were glassy.

"Madam, we're here to see Sydney," I told her politely.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come in now," the woman said in a hushed tone.

"What's going on?" Julia asked.

"Really, I think it'd be better if you left," the woman said.

"Oh like hell we will!" Jamie yelled, shoving the door open and storming inside. Julia and I followed him. Right then, the Suicide Club was on it's first mission, to save its own.


As soon as I walked in, the scent of booze and cigarettes hit me across the face. Jamie stormed into the messy kitchen where we saw a man, around forty, standing over a crying Sydney. The man had her skin and brown eyes. They were family. Sydney's eyes grew when she saw us.

"Guys...you have to go...I'll be there in a little," she said in a hurt voice. Something was hurting her, something was hurting her really badly. Jamie stood protectively in front of Sydney. That guy would take a bullet for her.

"Sydney, go pack your things," he ordered.

Julia helped Sydney limp into another room while Jamie and I faced her asshole of a father. I saw her mother crying in a corner of the room, a bruise on her left cheek.

"What are you kids doing?" The man demanded.

"How long have you been hitting your daughter?" Jamie demanded.

The man laughed. "So that's why you're here. You actually think you can be friends with my Sydney. Well, let me tell ya boys somethin, she's never been good with people, she never had and she never will. If she was, I'd be in cuffs by now. If I were you fellas, I'd just bang her and get out, because that's all she'll ever be good for."

I could see the rage fuming in Jamie's eyes. He threw himself at Sydney's father, and I helped him. Jamie was punching and kicking and slapping, and I provided moral support. Jamie stood up in front of Sydney's hurting father when he was done and spat on him.

"Stay down you dirty, worthless piece of shit," Jamie ordered.

We met Julia and Sydney on the front step. Sydney was crying in Julia's arms. Jamie wrapped his arms around her too.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered and kissed her forehead.

"C'mon, you can come and stay with me," Julia offered.

Sydney nodded weakly as we got back into my car. She sat silently in the passenger seat. I noticed marks on her arms, cuts to be exact. It was the first time I ever saw her bare arms. She was wearing a black tank top. I grabbed her arm.

"P-p-please don't look," she begged, grabbing her arm back.

"When did they happen?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"A little while ago," she answered, again, in a hushed tone. "I promise I'm done."

"Just please don't do that anymore," I told her. "You're too beautiful to have all these scars on you."

Sydney kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered.

And I continued down the road to Julia's house.


a/n: sydney's parents suck ass

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