✖️The Accident✖️

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Chapter 18: The Accident


The Girl with the Weird Paintings

I woke up the next day with a pounding headache on the cool, wooden floor of the shed. I saw Sydney wrapped in Jamie's arms, and Jake lying a few feet away from me. Empty wine bottles were scattered all around the floor. My headache told me how drunk I had gotten, and it was pretty drunk.

I dragged myself over to my bag and pulled out some ibuprofen and a water bottle. I downed two pills and waited for the pain for numb.

It's amazing, what the right people can do for you. Two weeks before that, I wanted to kill myself. I was going to kill myself in that very spot. But everything had changed, and for the better. I was eating, I felt happier, my parents even seemed to be around more. They weren't around a lot, but they were around more.

I saw movement in the corner of my eyes and saw that Jamie was awake. He groaned and spotted me. He crawled over to me and snatched my pills and water.

"What're you thinking about?" Jamie asked me.

"We've changed so much," I told him. "I mean, two weeks ago, we all wanted to kill ourselves. And now look at us, we're like regular teenagers."

"We'll never be regular teenagers," Jamie said. "We've seen too much, we feel too much. But I think it's better like that. I'd rather be over emotional than an emotionless douchebag."

I smiled at Jamie. He understood way more than you'd expect him too. I squeezed his hand, not in a romantic way, but in a friendly way.

"You better treat Sydney right or else I'll shove something very sharp up your ass," I told him sweetly, and he laughed.

"Please, she's my queen, I could never mistreat her," he assured me.

"You're so cute," I gushed as I heard my phone beep. I grabbed it and checked the messages, they were all from Jesse.

Message 1
Hi-I'm sorry if I made things weird, I shouldn't have tried to kiss you.

Message 2
Okay, I understand you're a bit weird about it, but please don't ignore me

Message 3
Julia, please answer

Message 4
You know what? Fuck it. I'm just gonna tell you. You're gorgeous. You're kind. You have a certain glowing personality that most people don't dig hard enough to find, but once you find it, you never want to stop finding it. I'm actually happy when I'm around you, which is really hard to make happen. And you know what? I've seen you starve yourself and I don't approve. You're too beautiful to do that to yourself. I've tried to get you to eat, I really have. I offer you sandwiches at lunch, I bring chips to the art room, I try everything. Please eat, please eat. Please Julia, please. I've noticed that you have in that past couple of days, but four baby carrots is not lunch.

Message 5
Just reply so that I know you're okay, please

Message 6
Okay, I'm coming out to look for you

Message 7
Where are you? I've been running around town for three hours. I just need to feel your warm aura

Message 8
I can't find you, and I feel hopeless. I really, really need you right now.

My heart stopped by the time I reached the last message. Jesse needed me, and I was getting drunk. I ran over to Jake and shook him awake.

"Jake," I hissed. "I need your keys."

"They're on the shelf," he groaned, obviously not thinking straight because I didn't even have my license yet. I only had my learner's permit. I ran over to the shelf that my portable speakers were on and grabbed Jake's car keys. I took the bottle of ibuprofen and three water bottles out of my bag and gave them to Jamie.

"Give them two ibuprofen when they come to and tell them that I had to go do something, and that I'll be back soon," I instructed him before sprinting out of the shack.

Judging by the sun's position, it was about noon when I started driving down the road. I sped down the streets, ten over the speed limit until I reached Jesse's house. I had been there once before, and I think I made a good impression on his parents and sister.

I jumped out of the car and sprinted to his front door. I knocked ferociously on the front door until someone answered. It was his younger sister, Tara. She looked stressed out and her blue eyes were filled with tears.

Oh Julia, thank God," she cried. "I've been trying to reach you, but you haven't been picking up your home phone."

"I'm sorry, I slept over at a friend's house last night," I lied. "What happened?"

"It's Jesse," she told me. "He was running around town last night because God knows why, and something terrible happened."

"What? What?" I demanded.

"There was a drunk driver, and he slammed into Jesse," she cried, collapsing in my arms. "He's in the intensive unit of the hospital, and my parents won't let me go to see him. They're scared it'll be too graphic for me. I...I just can't loose another sibling, you know? I can't see my parents go through that again."

I suddenly remembered Jesse's older sister, Olivia, who had committed suicide two years before. He had told me about her the first time we met. That pour girl was thirteen, and she had already seen so much loss and sadness.

"It's okay, he'll be okay," I assured her.

I tried to tell myself that Jesse would be okay. But even if you tell yourself something over and over again, it doesn't make it true.

You see, the universe gives, but it also takes. The night before was perfect, but I woke up to hell. The universe wants it's payment, and it will always get it.


a/n: so kind of a short chapter, but hey, don't hate me for the cliffhanger please

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