✖️The Café✖️

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Chapter 7: The Café


The Girl With the Weird Drawings

"Hey, Julia, wait up!" I heard Jake call after me. He ran up to me. Last period had just ended, and I was getting ready to get home.

"Hey," I smiled at him.

"So, you're really good at French, right?" He asked.

"Hell yeah, I am," I replied.

"Can you help me?" He asked. "I kinda suck at it."

"Sure," I responded. "I know this really cute vintage café we can go to." Plus there's a hot gay barista I want to try to set you up with I added mentally.

"Let's go," he smiled. We packed our bags and walked out together. I took him to the small café. I saw the barista as soon as I walked in.

"Hey, Julia!" He called waving to me. I saw Jake's jaw drop. The barista's name was Zach. He was extremely hot. I still remember the day I found out he was gay.


I sat at the bar, pulling out a book. Just because I didn't eat doesn't mean I didn't like to watch others eat. I also liked the atmosphere. Plus Zach was there. He was the only person I liked to talk too, and he was really hot.

Zach came up to me while he was washing a coffee mug. He smiled at me.

"So, how was school?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"A hellish nightmare," I groaned.

"It'll get better, Little Bird, don't worry," he assured me, and butterflies filled my stomach when he called me by my nickname from him.

"I sure hope so," I sighed. "I just hate it there, I have no friends."

"There must be someone," he said.

"Well, this one girl, she's in the year below me, a sophomore, and she seems really nice," I told him. "She's like a blonde emo. It's kinda funny. I just don't have the balls to talk to her."

"Well then get your skinny ass up and talk to her," he ordered.

"I'm not skinny," I laughed.

"Oh my God, enough of that bullshit, yes you are. You're the skinniest thing I've ever seen. Now, eat a damn chocolate muffin."

He placed a chocolate muffin in front of me. I swallowed nervously and flashed him a fake smile. I slowly ate it and then went to the bathroom. I had purged before, so it was relatively easy. I put a mint in my mouth to mask the smell of throw up. I came out of the bathroom to see a beautiful girl sitting in the chair next to mine. She had long, blonde hair that cascaded down her breasts that she was showing off to Zach. My heart stopped, but it started pumping again when he turned her away. She scoffed and walked back to her equally slutty friends. I regained my seat and started laughing.

"She seemed to like you," I laughed.

"I'd take Channing Tatum over her any day," Zach scoffed. If I was drinking water, I would've spat it out.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, I never told you? I'm gay," he said casually.


I smiled at Zach and took a seat at the bar with Jake. They never took their eyes off of each other the entire time. And it made me smile.

"Uh...Zach, can I have a water, and what'll you have, Jake?" I ordered.

"I'll...uh...I'll have a water too," Jake managed to say. I took out my phone and texted Zach, <He's gay, too, but he hasn't fully come out yet. Either way, get the booty ;)> I saw Zach smile at his phone and then smile at at Jake.

"I'm Zach, by the way," Zach told Jake smoothly, extending his hand in friendship. Jake shook it.

"I'm Jake," Jake replied.

I went onto my phone and played a ringtone, then I pressed it to my ear, pretending to have a phone call.

"Hey Mom," I said into the phone. Then I paused. "Oh yah, I'll get home, right away."

I shouldered my backpack and grabbed my coat before looking at both of them apologetically.

"I have to go, but you two should get to know each other better," I said before waving at them and walking away. Right before I left, I turned and winked at Zach. He blushed and laughed at something Jake said. I had a feeling they were going to hit it off.



y'all should've seen this comin

if you are against gay rights please get your stupid ass off of my wattpad before i kick you out, betch

loveeee you guys (that are nice human beings)


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