✖️My Angel✖️

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Chapter 11: My Angel


The Boy That Hears Things that Aren't There

I paced nervously in the hall with Julia and Jake trying to calm me down. I wanted to yell at them, to tell them that it wasn't okay, that the only person that I considered worth living for just tried to kill herself. I couldn't save her, I wasn't enough for her to live, and I probably never would be.

"Hey, Jamie, calm down," Jake told me. "She's gonna be fine. They're gonna put her in the hospital, and she's gonna be fine."

"No she won't, you idiot!" I screamed. "The hospitals don't help! You of all people should know that! They just make everything worse! She'll probably try again as soon as they let her go!"

"Then we won't let her out of our sights," Julia shrugged.

"And how do you expect we do that?" I demanded.

"Listen, she lives with me!" She exclaimed. "I already called my parents, and we're going to be her foster family. And she goes to school with all of us. It shouldn't be that hard!"

I sighed, collecting my feelings. The last thing I wanted was to have an episode in the hospital.

"She'll be okay," Jake assured me. I sat down next to Julia who put her hand on my back comfortingly.

I saw a familiar, small woman walk in. She had Sydney's blonde hair, height, body shape, and face shape. She looked so much like Sydney. Only it wasn't Sydney, it was her mother. She ran over to the nurse's station.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my daughter, Sydney Carlson," Sydney's mother told the nurse. I was enraged by her nerve to call Sydney her daughter when she let her father abuse her. Jake and Julia recognized this and held my arms.

"Just let it go," Julia ordered me quietly.

"But what if she hurts her?" I snapped, staring at Julia.

"I'm not my husband," a strong, female voice told me. I saw Sydney's mother standing in front of me.

"But you let it happen," I told her.

"Do I look like I had much of a choice?" Mrs. Carlson snapped.

"Yes, you could've taken the hits for her!" I yelled. "But no! You had to throw your daughter under the bus! You know what you are? You're a coward! You don't deserve to have someone as brave as Sydney as your daughter!"

Mrs. Carlson laughed in my face.

"My daughter isn't brave!" Mrs. Carlson yelled back at me. "She tried to commit suicide instead of facing her problems for God's sake!"

Julia took my hand gently, helping me take control of my emotions. I wanted to beat the living shit out of Mrs. Carlson, and she saw that.

"Don't you ever fucking say that about your daughter," I growled, dangerously soft. "You don't deserve her. You don't know what problems she was facing. You don't understand what it's like to feel hopeless and empty on the inside."

"Um, Sydney Carlson is awake, and she's asking to see a Julia Ligman, Jamie Regner, and Jake Demitrance," a male nurse announced awkwardly.

"That's us," Jake said, referring to myself, himself, and Julia. Mrs. Carlson looked offended.

"May I please go see my daughter?" She requested, putting an emphasis on the word daughter.

"Um...Ms. Carlson also had one other request," the male nurse said awkwardly. "She said not to let in anyone blood related to her."

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