Twilight Waterfront

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Charlottes PoV:

I held my phone up to my ear, jumping around the hotel room.

"Hello?" The voice resonated in my ear and I grinned.

"Hi." I had to keep my replies short so she couldn't analyse my tone before I told her.

"Oh my days! What did she say?" Her voice perked and I flipped onto the bed.

"What do you think she said?" I tried to force my voice to be monotonous.

"You'd be at my door if she said no, I know you wanted to propose at 9:30 and it's now 12:30 so if she said no, I'd already know." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, psychoanalyst. SHE SAID YES!!!" I squealed to be met with a simultaneous squeal from the redhead on the receiving end.

"OF COURSE SHE DID!" She screamed and I erupted into laughter.

"Where is the fiancée then?" Her tone calming.

"Peeing in between rounds." I explained, my tone placid.

"Well aren't you lucky." I heard her bed squeak as she evidently fell onto it.

"The luckiest. I had to phone you the second I got a chance so class yourself lucky to be the first to know." I heard the toilet flush and the water begin to run.

"Of course I am, I'm your second favourite person ever." Her smug voice radiated and I laughed.

"Hmmm, maybe third. Depends how much I like Millie." I laughed before hanging up as I heard the door open again.


We left the aquarium with a smile and decided to utilise the rest of our day for shopping.

Our arms became tired and our purses empty after teaching the top of the city centre.

"Where are we eating tonight?" Katie asked and I turned to face her as we began walking down the sloping hill.

"It's up to you really and how posh you feel. Pizza Express is an option if you're feeling kind of posh or Spoons if you want a laugh." I proposed and she nodded.

"Yesterday was fancy enough, I could use a pub meal and a load of drinks." She chuckled and I shook my head in slight disbelief.

"What?" She asked and I just smiled.

"I just always see you as the fanciest person to exist, I wouldn't think you'd want to spend your evening in Spoons." I admitted and she rolled her eyes.

"I am human you know Char." We crossed the road and the hotel came into sight.

"You're a famous celebrity Kate, I'll always think you're the fanciest person to grace this Earth." We arrived at the marble steps and awaited for the doors to open.

The lift took us back to our room where we placed our bags of shopping near the dressing table.

"So it's coming up to 6 now... do you want to hit the gym for an hour, go for a short walk around the barbican and then get to Spoons for 9?" I proffered and she took a minute to contemplate.

Sitting down at the vanity mirror and reaching for her makeup bag she eventually nodded.

"Sounds like a good plan." She began wiping her makeup from the day off and applying some cleanser.

I grabbed my Nike pros and sports bra as Katie found her leggings.

Changing quickly, we grabbed two towels and our water bottles before taking the stairs down to the second floor for the third time today.

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