Chapter Thirty-One - A Day Like This

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Soooo it's Friday and I'm so glad.. I've got like an entire week off cause it's carnival.... Anyways, enjoy


"Hey baby" Niall waved.

"Haiiii" I waved frantically.

"Aha, you're so crazy" He said as he typed into his phone.

"I love you too" I said as I ate breakfast. It's 7:34 and I just woke up. I shoved some cereal in my mouth and leaned back in the chair as I crossed my legs "10 days huh?" I asked referring to tour.

"YES!" He exclaimed and fist pumped as he looked up at me "I absolutely cannot wait. This is gonna be epic"

"Meanwhile in the UK.. I'm having a grand opening. Not such a big deal but I can't wait" I said as I shrugged and peeled a banana. I love them so much.

"Are you kidding? That's big news. You've been waiting for this for so long compared to me, I've been on tour twice before"

"Isn't it a world tour this time?" I asked as I dipped the banana in my cereal.

"What are you doing?"

"Dipping a banana in milk?" I asked, not seeing the problem.

"You're gross"

"I'm not. People cut up banana's and put them in cereal all the time and in smoothies"

"But not the way you do it"

"Well I do it different. I do everything different"

"That's why I love you"

"I know but you haven't answered my question"

"Which is?"

"Is it a world tour?"

"Yeah but.. You're news is huge still"

"Thing is, the grand opening is on the 26th.. of April"

"Why'd you choose that day?"

"Cause everything should be finished by then"

"So it isn't possible to do it sooner or even later?"

"Sooner, no, later, possibly but I wanna do it as soon as possible"

"I don't think I'll be able to come babe"

"I know, and I really wanted you to be here"

"I really want to be there too"

"This is so huge for me.. I guess we have to make sacrifices, right?"

"I promise one day we'll be able to just be together without worrying about tour and business, just us, and I'm sorry to leave you in a time like this but I really have to go"

"I understand, sacrifices"

"I'll talk to you later" He said as he got up and was ready to go.

"If we have time for that" I whispered but he heard.

"Aye, I'm sorry" He said sitting back down "Really really am"

"I know. Go do your thing" I fake smiled.

"We'll be fine, I promise. I love you"

"I love you too" I said as he waved. The call then ended.

I then got up and washed up my dishes then took a bath. After that I entered Fij's and For's room.

"Morning babies" I said as I picked up For.

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