Chapter Eleven - Wednesday Continuation

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Okaayyyyyyy.. Some dramaaaa in this chappy.. It actually hurt my heart writing this because I can't handle them fighting but what is life without a little drama.. Anyway, have fun reading.



The warm breeze hit my face as the bodyguards opens the door. Everyone else but Niall and I were out of the van. I was about to step out when..

"Babe, wait. Don't forget this" He said handing me the mask. I frowned knowing that there'll be no freedom for me today. Just when I thought we were normal, here comes the stupid mask.

He stepped out first and out stretched his hand for me. I grabbed on to it and stepped one foot out. The fans noticed them and gathered around screaming but all I thought was 'This Is My Moment'. The moment I feel like I'm the sexy, rich chick in those Cliché teenage movies. I'm strong, confident and.. under Niall's tight grip with my head down, while being escorted through a crowd of screaming girls by Paul and the other guards.

Two minutes later we were in a store and Paul locked the doors. I looked around the store and glimpsed at a very nervous girl, who looks as though she's my age, behind the counter, so I shot her a small smile. Luckily, the mask only covered up to my nose, so my mouth was free. The nose part has holes as well, but when I speak I don't want my words to be muffled.

My eyes then landed on a pair of Brown JC Lita's and that's when the adrenaline rush came on strong."Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh" I squealed as I ran towards the shoe and picked it up. I saw the others turn from what they were doing and gazed at me.

"You like that?" Niall asked as he walked up to me and placed his hand on the small of my back "Can I have a size 9 in this please?" He asked the cashier who just nodded and scurried off to a back room. Well, don't be surprised about the fact that he knows my shoe size.

"Really? Oh my godddd..." I ran and jumped on him, which he obviously wasn't ready for, because we landed on the floor. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" I said as I kissed his face and his lips.

Cashier's POV

As I turned around to hand the lady her change, she'd ran out of the store. I then saw all the costumers leave as well. I thought something was wrong, but when I saw a bunch of screaming girls, I knew someone famous was here. I then saw two large men part through the girls and escorted someone obviously famous. I tried to make out their faces but failed. I froze when I saw one of the guys open the door and said 'Good Day'. Then and only then, I realized it was One Direction. I froze completely when I saw another large guy lock the door.

I saw a girl in a mask holding on to Niall's hand as they entered the store and that's when I remembered I heard about him and his mysterious girl on E! news. There were also rumors that they're pretty serious. No one really knows much about her, but I'm sure they'll let us know soon.

She shot me a small smile as she looked around the store. Niall leaned against the counter and I could've fainted by his scent. He started a conversation with me but spun around when he heard his girlfriend scream. Oh my god, he spoke to me.

"You like that" He asked her as he walked up to her. She was holding a pair of JC Lita's. "Can I have a size 9 in this please?" He asked so... Irish and sexy.

I was completely frozen but nodded and hurried to the back room. I peeped through a window and took a picture of the two who were now kissing. I decided I'd post it on twitter #The2LuvBirdsRHere..Omgg.

Her face wasn't noticeable, because of the mask, but I got a pretty good picture of them kissing. I found a size 9 and walked back out with the box in my hand. By now they'd stopped kissing and they waited patiently. Shakily I handed her the shoe and she held on to my hand squeezing it reassuringly.

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