Chapter Sixteen Saturday Continuation Part 2

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"This pizza was AMA. ZAYNN" I said as I patted my now full stomach.

"I agree" Niall agreed.

"Excuse me" I said as I got up and walked to my bedroom, then into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and gaggled some mouth wash then wiped off any makeup. I walked back to my bedroom and admired myself in my full, body length mirror. My curly hair was in a high bun and I had on sweats and a big tshirt. There was evidence of makeup on my face and lips. I walked back into the living room and sat between Niall and Paul again.

After half an hour of sitting and watching tv, we both got bored. This is common for us both since we're always the hyper ones, yah know, the life of the party.

"C'mon, put on your dress" Niall said as he took off the tv, got up and pulled me off the couch.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I wrapped my legs around his waist and clinged onto him like a monkey.

"Somewhere special. Please just put on your dress"

"That has restroom filth on it"

"Fine" He said as he walked us over to my bedroom. He placed me on the bed and walked over to my drawers. He took out a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt with a galaxy cross on it "Wear this" He said as he threw it on the bed and turned to walk outside.


"Yes?" He responded as he turned back around.

"Come please"

"How may I assist you my princess?"

"Dress me"

"Huh?" He questioned as one of his eyebrows rose.

"Take off my clothes and dress me" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Haha okay"

He took off my extra large tshirt and slipped on my sweat shirt. When the shirt was just above my navel he kissed my stomach. My body shivered at the feel of his lips on my skin.

"I've got bathroom filth on me" I said as he took off my pants, leaving me in a pair of boxers.

"It's worth it" He said as he slipped on my shorts.

"I'm surprised you didn't try anything funny when you were putting on my pants"

"It's one thing to play with your stomach but I'm not gonna do anything down there against your will"

"I know. And they say what you dont do for your man others will, but I'm not going against my religion and beliefs to do what everyone's doing. If you know there's something you want that I can't offer-"

"Everything I need, I have. And trust me, I'm not going to look for anything from anyone else. You've waited for so long with the mask thing and I'm sure I've got enough patience to respect your wishes"

"That's what they all say" I said as I clinged onto his waist again and he carried us out the bedroom.

"It's up to you to trust me" He said as he pecked my lips and planted my feet on the ground.

We walked out the door and into the large crowd, with only one body guard to protect us. I'm worried cause no one wants to hurt Niall but as for me, who knows which one of these girls wanna kill me right now. We reached Niall's car successfully and we drove to Zayn's house to drop off Paul for a brief moment, then sped off before any of the guys could get to us.

It took us 30 minutes and I still had no idea where Niall was taking us. He came to a hill and started driving up a very narrow, winding road.

"Are you gonna murder me up here?" I asked with a playful giggle.

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