Chapter Fifteen Saturday Continuation Part 1

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'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

I woke up rubbing my eyes but they immediately started to burn as I rubbed eye liner into them.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock' "Hello?"

"Just a minute" I shouted as I ran towards the sink and rinsed my face. I took a paper towel and wiped my face, throwing it away when I was finished. I unlocked the bathroom door, only to make eye contact with a short, caucasian female dressed as a waitress. My guess is that she works in this restaurant and I also guessed that I fell asleep.

"Uh.. I'm sorry miss but you can't sleep in the restroom, although it is called a rest room" She pointed out with a little chuckle. I couldn't help but giggle as well but got cut off by my phone in the corner pinging. I retrieved it and saw a whole bunch of notifications from twitter, whatsapp, texts and anything else you can imagine.

"I was just about to lea-"


"I believe I was. We had a huge argument and then fans were being mean. I didn't know you guys could be so harsh. I'm sorry to you and your fellow directioners" I said as tears began to flow again. She gripped me into a hug.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm apologising for all the hate you've received behalf of us directioners" I remained in her grip for what felt like forever when I finally decided to take my leave. She showed me to the back door.

"Thank you.. Um?"


"That's pretty. Well thank you Alixie. You've shown me that you're not all bad and I promise you'll be blessed for this" I said as I gave her 200 dollars and left.

As the taxi pulled up on my street, I saw people crowding around my apartment. 'Oh Crap'. There were fans, paparazzi's and entertainment news reporters.

"I'll take it here" I said to the taxi driver and paid. I walked up to my apartment trying to figure out how on earth I'm gonna get inside.

Brit: I see you down there. Are you crazy come over. - Brit texted as I looked up to her apartment and saw her peeking through a window.

Me: No thanks. I just wanna be alone.

There were people taking pictures, recording videos and some people even had the nerve to set up a camp. Obviously because Niall or one of the guys are going to come by to check up on me.

I shoved my way through the screaming girls and the flashing lights.






I heard these things but thank God I finally reached the door of the apartment building. I quickly ran up the stairs to my floor and unlocked my door. Without a second thought I locked my door, changed into sweats and a t-shirt and cried my way over to my couch with a blanket, watching E! News.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

"Please go away" Probably a fan.

'Knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

"Bianca, please open the door" I recognised Niall's voice "Unless you want me to get killed out here"

I honestly love him and I won't want him to get hurt. That's what I told myself in order to get up and open the door for him.

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