Chapter Nineteen - Moving In Together.. Alone

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Good morning lovies.. Here is a little something for you guys.. :D


As I woke up this morning, I rolled my body to the right expecting to be stopped by someone else's body, instead I just ended up rolling off the bed. I got up and threw myself back on the empty bed, after a few minutes of processing my thoughts on the floor.

"Ughh" As I sat up and hung my feet off the bed. I won't lie and say that my feet didn't touch the ground. How could it not? I'm around 5 feet 8 inches tall. I know people like short girls cause they're so cute and whatnot, but tall,slim girls are winning.

I patted and rubbed the bed material as I looked around the room. That room that had now become Niall and my room. The room that held so much memories. I won't be staying here anymore. But where am I going to stay, since the fans obviously knew where I lived. I then saw a glimmering light in the corner of my eyes. I snapped my head to that direction only for my eyes to land on some keys and an envelope. I picked up both items, ripping open the envelope that revealed a hand written letter and.. Directions?

Dear Bianca,
By the time you wake up we may be on our way to Colombia. I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye but I thought it'll be easier. Not only for you but I just can't bring myself to another goodbye, soo, hello *laughs*. I have this feeling that you just smiled imagining me laughing and just the thought of you smiling because of me makes me smile too and extra proud. Well.. here are my car and house keys. Take the Range Rover and the other paper in your hand, thats the directions. I want you to be safe and you can't have that by your home so get comfy and imagine this as an invitation for you to move in with me.. Literally, I've got a cardboard cutout in that place and look out for secret service agents cause Obama is crashing on my couch. Haha. Also, There's a guard (or a few) to take you to your former home to let you pack up stuff. Also, the house code is 140214. Message me when you get settled or whenever you feel like it. P.s love you forever and always.

He must have written this yesterday, but I was in such a rush to get to the airport that I missed it.

Me: Just saw your letter, btw, 140214?- I messaged him. When he didn't respond I took it as it being an inconvenient time. I have no idea what time it is in Bogotá soo.. 9:24 is the time here. What am I going to do today?

I walked down stairs and made breakfast for me and the girls.

"So, I won't be staying here anymore" I said while we were watching tv, snuggled up on the couch like the best of sisters, eating breakfast.

"We never do. We all have stuff to do and our lives have to go on too" El said turning her attention to me.

"Oh. We can still lime right? Like we'll link up and do something right?"

"Lime? Link up?" Crack asked turning her attention to me as well.

"Lime is to hang and link up is like to meet up with friends or family and lime"

"Oh, well then for sure we can, um.. Lime"

"It's just that I don't wanna be alone cause it's my first time and you guys are like experts and no one else can understand what I am going through" I rambled on.

"Awww. Don't worry hun, you're family now" Soph said as we group hugged.

"Guys, I can't breathe!" I said as they squished me.

"Sorry" They said in unison.

"Well, I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed. I've gotta pack up my apartment cause apparently I'm moving in with Niall, but not with Niall"

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