So I know..

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I know that I haven't updated for a month now (it's been that longgg!), but that's only because I've been preparing for test. This is my last week of exams which means I'll be updating more frequently after. I'm not promising an update every week because, I dunno if you guys know but this is my last year of secondary school (I'm not too sure what it's called where you're from) High school? I dunno, but it's my last year so I've got a lot of revision during the vacay (summer). I'd also like to get a job and start a sport, plus I've also got to lime with my friends and enjoy this last summer with them so I'll be pretty busy and pretty tired. I won't forget to update for you guys though but just bare with me please and thank you. I don't know if you guys have exams now or if it passed but good luck. On another note, I'm not even sure when this book is going to end but to estimate I'd say probably 20 more chapters. I'm not sure if that's much or not but that's it. I'm considering a sequel but that depends on you guys, your reaction to the end and whether or not you wanna see this book continue. Yip, so enjoy your day and yup, love you guys

The Famous Guy ||Niall.Horan||Where stories live. Discover now