Chapter Thiry-One - Delivery.. As In A Package

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Some Saturday reading never hurt anyone.. Filler chappie.. And a little Niall POV..


"Good morning" I greeted the middle aged lady behind the counter at the post office. I'd wake up early so I could have the t-shirts and pictures delivered to Niall as soon as possible.

"Morning hun" She smiled as she adjusted her glasses "How may I help you?" Honestly, this is a post office but I have enough manners to know not to say that.

"I'd like to get this delivered to Bogota" I said as I placed the package on the counter. She just stared at me with perplexity "Is something wrong?"

"It's just that I've never heard an accent like yours. Where are you from darling?"

"I'm from the Caribbean"

"Oh. That's very exciting" He smiled then adjusted her glasses again "Colombia?"


"The package"

"Oh, yes"

"Address please?" I handed her the piece of paper with the address where Niall and the boys were.

"How soon do you think you can have this reach there?"

"A week or two"

"WHAT?" My eyes bulged.

"I know dear. It isn't exactly instant messaging is it?" She laughed but it turned into a cough after a short while.

"What would the world be without istant messaging" I said more to myself "Do you think you can speed up the delivery process?" I asked kindly.

"Well, you're a very sweet, mannerly young lady so I guess I can sneak it onto something a bit earlier. Is it for your boyfriend?"

"Yes. He's a singer and he's touring in South America so I just wanted to send him something nice" I said as I took out my phone and showed her a picture.

"Ohh" She said happily "You're an interracial couple"

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'

"Did you say he's famous?"

"Yeah, One Direction"

"Ohh, I've heard them on the radio"

"They're a little band. Not really that famous" I lied.

"Do you two have trouble when people see you together? Because of your race differences?"

"Sometimes his fans would send hate and death threats but I've never been criticised because of my ethnicity"

"Well, that's good. I'll see it fit he receives it later on today"

"Thank you very much. Enjoy your day" I said as I walked away.

"You too dear"


Just met the nicest lady ever. We had a very interesting conversation and I felt normal again. These are the little things in life that we should live for.


Niall's POV

"NIALL, YOU HAVE A PACKAGE!" Louis yelled from the hall of the hotel.

"COMING LOUIS" I yelled back. I slipped on a pair of pants over my boxers. I'd just finish my workout and took a bath, then I had to go record my verse in a new song off of the new album. I walked through the door and saw Louis with the package walking towards my door and the mail man walking away.

"Here yah go lad" He handed me it then patted my shoulder "It's from Bianca"

"Thanks Lou" I said as I walked back in my room. I'm so confused as to how Bianca's package actually reached me since fan mail never comes to us. I opened the box and was immediately greeted with the strong fragrance of Versace, the perfume I bought her. I then saw a message written by her.

Sooooo.. I tried doing something nice and I wanted it to smell like me. I'm sure you'll see the video of what I did. Anyways, these 4 shirts are amazing. Would've kept them for myself but nah. Love youuuu. Call me maybe?

I took out the 4 t-shirts and placed them on the bed. I then saw four pictures with her in each one. I placed each picture on the shirt on the bed along with the letter. I then snapped a picture of them and tweeted it.

@BLavine This is what Bianca is busy doing. Wasting Versace on shirts and taking pictures. Hahaha thanks babe

@Niall_Official Have you seen the video?

@BLavine Nope, I haven't. Send it to me

She then sent me the link and I watched it. It was only 15 seconds long as she poured perfume onto the shirts.

Me: Thanks babe. I love em - I texted her.

Bianca: I'm sure you love them cause I love them too. But you're welcome

Me: I'll wear them on tour. All except the pizza, chocolate and ice cream one. I'll only wear that one when you come on tour with us.

Bianca: That one is a sign. How coincidental I found a shirt like that. Also, when are you free?

Me: From tomorrow til tour. Why?

Bianca: Nothing, just make sure you and the boys are totally free day after tomorrow

Me: I'll find out what they're doing that day. You haven't told me why.

Bianca: I can't tell you.

Me: Ahaha, you're so mischevious

Bianca: I'm not. It's a secret

Me: Alright, I have to go babe

Bianca: See yah loser.. I mean't later.. See yah later, not loser.

Me: Haha sure, love you

Bianca: Love yah moree


Yup so I'm just trying to make some fillers before tour and whatnot.. Still trynna decide what direction I want this book to go in, I've literally been dreaming about it, either way it'll be something exciting.. Enjoy your days beauts peeps.

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