Chapter Forty-Four - Happa Bodday

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I opened my eyes and a bright light beamed in, causing me to close them immediately. I then turned my body to face the other direction and snuggled closer to Niall. After a few minutes I opened my eyes again and saw him sleeping still. I got up and went into the bathroom to splash some water onto my face. I then wiped my face and looked up at the mirror. I'm 20 today. I then brushed my teeth and wiped my mouth. As I turned around I felt Niall's warm arms around my waist.

"Good morning beautiful" He said as he kissed my lips.

"Morning baby" I smiled as I looked into his eyes.

"Happy Birthday" He said as he snuggled into my neck "You finally left the teens and crossed over into the twenties"

"Hahaha, wish I didn't have to"

"20 years ago you were born. Wow. Those 19 past birthdays may not have been enjoyable for you but I'm going to make sure this one is"

"It's already started out great" I said as I kissed him.

"Go slip on some clothes before the boys come in and see you like that" He said as he put toothpaste on his toothbrush.

I went back into the room and slipped on some sweats and a pair of fluffy slippers. I then walked towards the huge window in the room and drew the curtains. As I looked through I saw fans holding up signs and they immediately began to scream louder as they saw me. I saw a couple of them held up signs that wished me happy birthday and also some that congratulated Niall and I. Some of them also had signs that reminded us that not everyone loves the idea of us getting married. I then closed the curtains and turned around to see Niall standing there.

"So 20 huh?" I asked as I walked towards him "I'm getting old" I joked.

"Hmm, words cannot explain my love for you" He said more to himself as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too" I blushed as I touched his chest and looked down. He used his index and thumb to raise my head back up as he looked at me lovingly. He then pecked my lips and smiled causing me to blush.

"So what are you planning to do today?" He asked as he held my hand and lead me to the door.

"Club, I guess. I can't do anything else really" I said as we walked through the door and down the hall.

"Yeah you can. We can have a nice dinner or go to the beach or something. Anything you wanna do. This is your day"

"Dinner sounds nice"

"Yeah? Well I'll make reservations for a nice place" He said as he opened the main room door and allowed me to enter. As I entered the room, it was dark so I flipped on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled which startled me. The smiled grew on my face as I looked at them. The boys, the guards, the tour staff and then I noticed K, Brit, A and D3.

"Omg" I blocked my mouth as they all laughed at my shocked expression "I couldn't ask God for better friends" I added.

"Awwww" They all said as we formed a group hug. After a few seconds the group hug broke up and everyone carried on little conversations. I then realised Niall had disappeared.

"Are you surprised?" Brit asked as she hugged me.

"Very. I wasn't expecting you guys to come so early. I really wasn't expecting anyone to go out of their way to surprise me"

"Where'd your fiancee go?" She asked while looking around as she wore a smirk, which caused me to blush.

"I dunno" I too scanned the room for him. I then spotted him by the food table carrying on a conversation. He turned to me and called me over "He's calling me" I said to Brit as I began to walk. When I got over to him I couldn't help but wonder how I got so blessed.

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