Chapter Forty-Two - Some love here, Some love there

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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in over a month, but here you go.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I heard faint screaming as I turned on my stomach on the bed.

I opened my eyes and came face to face with a white pillow. I felt my mouth being spread across by the way my face laid on the other pillow. I closed my eyes as my ears focused on the screaming outside. Those fans a really dedicated. Like they're willing to get the cold, freeze, lose their voices and much more for these boys. This is ridunk. I then opened back my eyes and pushed myself up. I wore my top that says coffee and a womens boxers. As I slid off the bed I slipped on my fluffy slippers. I then walked over to the window and drew the curtains but realised it was becoming dark. I opened the window and the screaming became excessive and much louder. I waved as they all looked up at me. I'm not sure whether they're screaming because they wanna see me or because they don't but whatever. I then closed the window and walked towards the bathroom to wash my face and pass my toothbrush in my mouth. I exited the bathroom and bedroom and into the empty hall. I walked towards the main room and heard talking and the tv. I opened the door and entered with all the guys eyes on me.

"Goodnight sleeping beauty" Louis greeted as I closed the door behind me.

"Hi" I said as I saw all of them looking busy and ready to run. Not literally but they were ready to go somewhere. Niall approached me with a small smile and gave me a hug "Baby?"

"Mhm?" He asked not letting go.

"Anything the matter?" I asked as I stroked his head. My hands travelled down his neck and I felt him shiver as they continued down his back. I wrapped them around his waist and kissed his neck.

"No, I'm just glad to see you"

"I can tell. The fine hairs on your neck stood up as I touched you"

"Hahaha, you make me shiver" He said as he pulled his face from in the crook of my neck and looked me in my eyes.

"I love you" I whispered and pecked his lips.

"I love you too" He said while smiling excessively.

"What?" I asked questioning his sudden smile.

"Nothing. I'm just extremely happy"

"Me too. For some apparent reason my heart is beating rapidly"

"Because you love me?" He asked like it was the obvious answer while attempting to roll his eyes. I said attempted because I was born in TnT. I think we could win an award for having people with the worst attitudes in the world. We may be known as happy people but we like a lot of drama. A lot.

"Haha, yeah, but it isn't the usual mini heart attacks I get around you. I feel like my heart's gonna beat out of my chest for you"

"Welcome to my world. This happens everytime I feel you close"

"Jah no stah" I said as I disconnected our bodies and went over to the food table. I picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite. I then turned around and saw Niall looking at me confused. I furrowed my brows at him and moved my head a bit.

"What's Jah no stah?" He asked while walking over to me.

"It's an expression used like if something is unbearable"

"Oh" He said as he wiped the side of my mouth "Well you're obsessed with pizza. Jah no stah" He smirked.

"Ahaha, you're something else"

"I'm your something else" He said while staring into my eyes.

"Yup, a handful at that"

"Don't think you're easy Mrs. Horan"

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