Chapter Nine - Tuesday Continuation

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An hour later -

"Ice Cream!" Torie shouts as we're walking out the garage door and entering the van one by one.

"So.. Where are we heading for the ice cream?" Zayn asked as we all took our seats and closed the door.

"I was thinking we could try that new place"

"I guess. How'd you know you don't like it if you never try it?" Liam added.

"Ice cream, then what?" Louis asked.

"That's it, I guess. They're having this thing were the ice cream place is located. It's for the opening of their business and it's going on everyday for the entire week. Basically, you purchase a boat and place it in the waters forgetting all your regrets and it's also for the beginning of new things" I answered. By now we were 5 minutes away from the place and everyone was taken up in my story, well, the story I heard anyway.

"Sounds alright, for couples or something" Harry partly joked, but I knew he was lonely. He is, after all, the only single one in the group right now. I don't see why it matters if it's for couples though, I'm the only girlfriend here. Everyone else's girls are on their own tour -Perri- or doing whatever -Eleanor and Sophia-, so I guess it's just me.

"Actually, It's individual" I said knowing that it'll make him feel better.

So, we're here and there are loads of fans. Yes! Brit, Torie and I got our masks on. You're probably wondering how we're gonna eat ice cream. Same thing I was thinking earlier today, so, I cut off the mouth pieces of our masks. No one tweeted about the ice cream thing, yet, the fans know. I'm surprised they haven't come up with a face to match my name/body or some weird fan fic about Niall and I. Or have they? I really need to check what's new on wattpad and tumblr.

"I want two scoops" Torie said as we got in line.

"One is enough for Torie" Brit answered, giving Torie a pointed look.

"But I want two" She whined "Auntyyyy Bbbbbb" She dragged on my name as she turned to me.

"Honey, listen to your mom. You'll get fat if you have too much"

'Gasp' "There is no such thing" Niall added.

"Ofc there is" I answered back. I can't believe he'd say such thing. Ofc there's such a thing called fat, but it's either you do something about it or you stay the way you are.

"No such thing. Everyone is beautiful and no one is fat"

"Okay... That was a dumb thing to say" I'm so upset right now. How can he be so blind about the fact that "Some kids are actually teased about being over weight"

"That's because these kids are being bullied about their beauty. That's their beauty"

"I know it's wrong for kids to be teased about their beauty, but no kid starts off fat. Depending on what the mother feeds the child in and out of the womb determines the weight of the child" I said, tears filling up by eyes. I don't believe this guy. Wondering why I'm crying, aren't yah?-

"Fine, you win" He gave up realizing he'd ruin the night by his stupid comment.

"Give her the two scoops, since there's no such thing as fat, and I'll take a mixture of peanut, coconut, cookie dough and bubble gum in a small cup please" I told the lady behind the counter "Who's paying?" I asked boldly as I took my order.

"I'll pay" Harry offered. Such a sweet guy.

"Thanks" I said as I walked towards the seating area and slid across the seat. Everyone else ordered and joined me, squeezing themselves next to and opposite to me.

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