Chapter Thirteen - Friday (The Last Week)

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I lay there and stare at him as he's asleep. I know, creepy, but I couldn't sleep. I've been laying here for almost 30 minutes, just admiring him. I still can't believe I'm with him. Not just laying in bed with him, I'm in a relationship with him, I'm in his life, in his friends life and soon enough I'll be in his parents life. I'd like to be the girl his ex-girlfriends hates, his parents love and he won't forget.

I feel as though he'll open his eyes soon, but I just can't stop staring. He's just so gorgeous. I probably come off as some kind of creep or something.

'Mmm' He goes as he moves a bit. Quickly I close my eyes pretending to sleep but as quickly as I closed them I opened them back. He opens his eyes slightly and closes them back as a small smile appeared on his face.

I pulled myself closer into him until our noses were touching and pecked his lips. He stayed still and lifeless for a few moments then his smile grew even larger. I love him soo much, it's unbelievable.

"Good morning" He whispered as he opened his eyes half way.

"Good morning" I responded as I played with his hair. "You know.. You should really go back to a brunette" I whispered as he opened is eyes fully.

"And you should stop wearing make up" He stated pecking my lips this time.

"You don't have to be so rude about it and dye can damage your hair. In ten years you could be bald"

"I wasn't rude about it and make up can damage your face. Your beautiful face. In ten years, you'll.. you could have a-a.. damaged face?" He asked/said and I couldn't help but smile.

"And you won't love an ugly woman, would you?"

"Are you crazy?! I'd love you whether you're tall or short, old or young, rich or poor, white or black, not so beautiful or crazy beautiful, thin or fat-"

'Gasps' "Fat? I know nothing of this word" I teased.

"Hahaha.. I'm sorry about that. I was young and stupid an-"

"Uhh.. Niall?" I asked with confusion on my face "that was three days ago"

"Yeah and everyday I spend with you, I learn more and I grow up more. I get less naive and feel less lonely and thinking about living without you for a life time or even some months makes my stomach churn" He said which made me think that..

"It's surprising how you can turn every bad comment or fact into something so beautiful. Every time we have an argument you make things better, if not at the end of the day, early the next morning" I said with a small smile on my face, but that smile quickly faded as I remembered today was Friday and they're leaving on Sunday.


"Is everything okay?" He asked as he probably saw disappointment on my face. I sat up and folded my legs and he did the same.

"No... Nothing is. Just think, in two days I'll be saying goodbye to you as you say hello to tour. I don't know how I'm gonna do it cause I've grown so attached to you"

"That's good. I've also grown attached to you and I'm glad you feel the same. I wish I didn't have to leave you. I wish you could come with me-"

"And then what? We spend the rest of our lives touring together? I want a family and kids. Would they come on tour as well? I want to be happy with you and I don't want to ruin your career. I don't want to be the cause of the end of One Direction."

"You won't-"

"Let me finish. What I'm trying to say is that I know One Direction won't go on forever and that you guys are going to have to give it up at some point but I don't want to be the reason. I can't come on tour while being pregnant and you can't be there for the entire 9 months. What if you're not there while I'm giving birth-"

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