Chapter Thirty-Eight - Explore A Land Full Of Drunk Lads

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As I got off the bed this morning I immediately went to the bathroom but stepped into something sticky and cold. I looked down and saw I was standing in chunks of food.

"Eww!" I screeched as I ran out the bathroom and back into the bedroom "Niall! What the fuck!" I said loudly in disgust as I shook him.

"Shhhh! The world is too quiet to be shaken by your loud light" He mumbled as he rolled on the bed.

"Ahaha. What?" I asked "Babe, you puked in the bathroom" I said as I continued to shake him and wiped off any puke from the buttom of my feet on the carpet.

"Shhhhhhhhh" He said as he sat up, stared me straight in my eyes then laid back down and covered his head.

"Get up! We're going out, remember" I said as I slipped on a pair of fluffy hotel slippers and walked out the room.

I then walked to the main room. The darkness blinded me as I entered. The curtains were closed and the lights were off. I walked over to the couch and saw Harry and Liam laying down.

"Morning bubbas" I said as I sat on the edge of the couch. They looked as if they were trying to lay down comfortably but it looked really uncomfortable to me.

"Bianca" Harry said as he tried holding up his head.


"I'm not well" He said as he held his head.

"You had a lot to drink last night, huh?"

"We all did. It was fun but now I feel really sick"

"I'll get someone to bring up an aspirin and some water"

"Take care of me?" He asked as he held onto me hand.

"I'd love to but I've made plans to go explore neverland" I said referring to Peru.

"Okay" He said as he slowly let go of my hand "What about Niall?"

"He's still asleep. I told you guys not to have too much"

"I know. I'm sorry" He apologised as he laid his head back down.

"It's okay Haz. Feel better" I said as I kissed his forehead and walked over to the door.

"Thanks" I heard him mumble as I walked through the door. I then walked over to Nell's room since it was the closest to Niall's and the main room.

'Knock' 'Knock' I knocked on Nell's door. No one answered so I knocked again.

'Knock' 'Knock'

"Coming" I heard Nell say faintly as I also heard some footsteps. He then opened the door revealing a shirtless Nell.

People sometimes ask why Niall when I can go with one of my guards. Why ab-less and muscle-less. I just say, sure I can have abs, muscles, facial hair and a chiseled jaw line but I'd much rather have funny, loving, loud, irish, imperfect, kind-hearted, annoying, amazing, beautiful Niall Horan. Those qualities are way more important than some abs and facial hair. As long as someone knows Niall's heart and personality you automatically become more attracted to him. I look at built, muscular men and see outer appearance and loads of girls lusting over them but when I look at Niall, I see the heart of my possible soul mate and girls wishing to have someone as caring as him. I see Niall Horan.. Not his race, not his hair color, not his nationality, not his religion, not his body, not his eye color, not his skin color, not the shape of his teeth, not the size of his nose, not his features, not his twig legs, not his chewed down finger nails, not his hairy chest, not the many moles along his neck, not his career and certainly not his bank account. I just see Niall James Horan. Born September 13, 1993 as a Virgo to parents Bobby and Maura. He has one brother, Greg, one sister-in-law, Denise and one nephew, Theo.

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