Chapter Eight - Tuesday (The Last Week)

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"Baby, baby. Wake up. Wake up" I yelled as I shook Niall's shoulders.

"Ugghhh" He complained but I'm not going to let him get away so easily.

"C'mon, get up"

"Fine, fine" He said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He's the most adorable person ever. I grabbed on to his arm and tried pulling him out of bed, but I failed miserably and fell on top of him. 

"What is it do you want?" He asked as he sat up and got out of bed.

"We only have whole day together" I said as I ran through the bedroom door with only his T-Shirt still holding onto his arm.

"Ahaha." He giggled "Whole day to do what? What time is it? I'm so unbelievably tired"

"That's what you get for being so hyper at midnight and it's 9:00"

"I'm sorry I've got all the energy in the world. It'll come in handy on our wedding night" He smirked as we walked towards the kitchen. I've gotten everyone up, even Zayn, surprisingly and we're going to bake. I was hoping we could take a video of us but then I remembered the mask. Urghhh. It doesn't matter, we won't post the video until, well, whenever I'm known about being Niall's.

"You pervert" I said as I stopped and punched his shoulder. He swiftly grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into a kiss. After a few minutes we broke away.

I jumped on him and hugged him "Promise you'll always be there for me. If not as a boyfriend or husband" I began and I can't believe I'm saying this "As a friend or someone to talk to"

"I promise I'll always be there for you" He said with hurt running through his eyes "As a husband, best friend, brother,  soul mate and anything else you need me to be. A bank" He joked as he carried me into the kitchen, still hugging on to him, he rested me on the island.

"We can make a creampie, since we're baking today" Louis joked and I completely forgot they were all here.

"So.. you managed to get even Zayn out of bed. You have control over us, and they say I'm the daddy" If you're really good, guess who said that. Yup! The one and only Liam Payne Train Payne.

"I was hoping we could do something together. You guys wanted to spend this week with me, so lets make something of today. Instead of sleeping all day" I said as I gestured towards Zayn, smirked and continued "So, I was hoping we could bake, since Harry, Niall and I love to cook, Niall loves to eat, and the three of you could learn something from the master" I said as I gestured towards myself.

"I'll get the camera" Harry offered as he dragged himself out of the kitchen.

"Wait.... We all need to shower and cover our heads. I don't want to find strands of hair while eating"

"Yes mom" Louis joked as I shooed them out of the kitchen.

"And Harry, we're planning on baking todaywe're not waiting for santa to come" I said as I leaned up against the island, with Niall right besides me and both our arms are folded.

"We need to take a quick bath, so.. we can't shower together"

"Why not?" He asked as he slapped my ass while I walked towards the kitchen cupboards to collect the ingredients.

"That's why. Now go bathe so I can."

"Fine" He pouted as he walked away. So adorable, but I had no intentions on changing my mind.

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Before taking my shower, after Niall of course, I placed white chef suits and hats on each of the boys beds. I know, I'm being bossy, but we can't have their clothes getting messed up and we certainly cannot have hair in our food. Told ya I'd be a good chef some day.

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