Something More: Part 21

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Steve was nervous. Natasha could feel the anxiety practically radiating off of him. She resisted the urge to chuckle at the fact that she was the one who was blindfolded and should be panicking not him. She reached over for his knee and felt him relax slightly under her touch so she let her hand linger there. Gently rubbing circles with her thumb to calm him. Her other hand was rubbing her belly trying to get the spitfire in her womb to stop kicking her ribs. Apparently, the baby could feel their father's anxiety as well.

They pulled off the main road and onto gravel. A few minutes later Steve put the car in park and told her to wait for him. When he opened her door and helped her out Natasha couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips when Steve kissed her cheek. After walking a short distance holding both Steve's hands, he straightened her shoulders trying to get the big reveal just right. Standing beside Natasha, Steve took a deep breath before telling her to take the blindfold off. Natasha was a little surprised to see a beautiful house in front of her. (See picture above) With the sun setting, the twinkle light made it feel magical.

"This is beautiful. Where are we?" She asked turning to face Steve. Giving a nervous chuckle and rubbing his chin he treaded lightly.

"Well here's the thing... I love you and want to give you the home you never had growing up. I want some where that our kids can grow up playing in dirt and spending all day running around outside. Some where that we can expand our family and grow together. So I bought this house and had Tony help me fix it up. We renovated most of it. Pepper helped design it and we have it pretty much move in ready. That is if you want it." Steve was searching her face hoping to figure out how she was feeling. Before he could ramble on some more or panic any further, she surprised him pulling him into a hug.

"I love you too. And I love our little family and I love the house! It's beautiful. Thank you." She pulled back slightly pecking his lips. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears as she tried to hold them back. "Are you going to show me the rest of the house?" She smirked at him as she felt all his nervousness and anxiety melt away.

The house was classic and modern. An amazing balance of both their personalities. Natasha was impressed with Pepper's design skills and how she knew the couple so well. Natasha started crying when she saw the nursery. It all hit her at once that in a few short months they would have a baby in this room. Steve held her while she got her emotions in check and whispered sweet things in her ear. Natasha was frustrated with the roller coaster of emotions she was on but knew she had no power over it. Steve got their dinner out of the warmer and they ate while Steve told her all about the renovations and working with Tony which she was thankful to not have to experience.

"So when is the big appointment? Thursday?" Steve questioned on between dinner and dessert.

"Mhmm. At 11. You still okay with finding out?"

"I'm excited." She could tell it was the truth. She could see the childlike excitement in Steve's eyes. She smirked as she followed the plate with her eyes as Steve set it in front of her. One of her biggest cravings while being pregnant was cheesecake. More specifically, strawberry cheesecake.

She smiled looking up at Steve, "I hope you got yourself a slice too because the baby wants me to eat that whole thing."

"Of course." Then leaning in close he whispered in her ear, "I left the rest in the fridge for the baby for later." Smirking as he sat with a piece for himself. Natasha's eyes lit up as she took her first bite. She moaned softly as she tasted the delicious cheesecake.

"Natasha." Steve scolded lightly. She opened her eyes and looked at him confused. Steve shifted in his seat trying to help the uncomfortable tightness of his pants.

Natasha shook her head, taking another bite, "Sorry, Baby." Sighing she made eye contact with him, " I have no idea how you still find me attractive with his huge belly." She started rubbing her hand over where the baby was kicking her. Probably demanding more cheesecake.

"Tasha, you are growing our baby. It's a beautiful thing. And you're just as gorgeous as the day I met you. More so even. And have I told you that I love you?" Steve stood up leaning over the table to kiss her quickly so she could continue eating her dessert. He chuckled as he sat back down and watched her dig in.

"Keep it up mister-good things will come your way. I'll have to take your word for it though. And I love you too." She couldn't help the small smile that she got from his constant love and attention. It drove her nuts but she also craved it. She always caught him staring. Even when they were on missions. And it hadn't stopped since her pregnancy-which was great for her ego. She didn't have any problems admitting she was slightly possessive. Steve has told her many times that she has nothing to worry about, and she didn't worry about him. It was all the desperate woman who throw themselves at him. Thinking about it always put her in a sour mood so before she could dwell on it any further she looked at him and asked, "Are we staying here tonight?"

"Yes. Tomorrow we can bring the rest of our stuff but I did back us an overnight bag."

Smirking as she finished her cheesecake, "So are you going to take me to bed solider?"

Steve's eyes shot up to meet her emerald ones. "Yes, ma'am."

Natasha was laughing the whole way up the stairs as he carried her bridal style to their bedroom. Only being silenced when his lips met hers.

To be continued...

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